Chapter 10

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 I grab my head. Ouch! I must of blacked out for a minute because when I wake up my head is pounding so hard it feels like it's going to explode. My eyes are still all red and blurry from the crying and it's hard to make out where I'm at. I put my head in my hands and just start balling again. My car is smashed up against a tree but luckily it didn't do to much damage but I did hit my head pretty hard on the window. I look over at the cracked window, while rubbing my head. I try to feel for my phone to call 911 but I'm having a hard time finding it. It must of flew out of my hand when I hit the tree. I try to look around to see if the car I hit is around but I don't see any cars. I unbuckle my seatbelt to try to get a reach to look for my phone when I get really dizzy and have to just sit back. I close my eyes and just try to breathe slow and try to slow my heart from beating out of my chest. When I look up again I see Jason running to the car, he makes it over to me and opens my car door. I'm so scared and confused so I wrap my arms around him just wanting to be held.

He squeezes me in his arms as I cry." Kendra I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Are you ok? I called 911 as soon as I noticed it was you. Don't worry someone's on there way."

I can barely talk right now as I fight to catch my breath."I-I don't know what happened. I was just driving and then I looked down at my phone to call my mom, and next thing I know my car is heading towards another car. I tried to turn out of the way but... " I start sobbing uncontrollably. " I wasn't fast enough and I don't know what happened to the other car, they were just gone when I woke up. What if I hurt someone, I would never forgive myself."

"It's ok honey, it's ok. If someone was hurt they would've stuck around, but they didn't so they have to be ok."He grabs me and pulls me in tighter and starts rubbing the back of my head." It's ok. I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere until I know you're ok."

 I know that he really shouldn't be here right now, because I hate him after what just happened but it just feels good having someone I know here. I just need to feel safe and right now that's how I feel, in his arms."Can you please help me find my phone? I need to call my mom and Kelsey."

 He softly pushes me back in my set, so that I'm resting my head."Just relax and I'll do my best."He reaches down by my feet and grabs for my phone. He finds it and walks away dialing a number in my phone.I just sit there looking at him, praying that he gets a hold of them for me. Finally after a few minutes he walks back to the car."So I got a hold of your parents and they'll be here soon."

I sit up quickly and my head pounds even harder. He takes my head and pushes it back down again."What about Kelsey, did you get a hold of her?"

 His face turns into a frown as he looks away from me."Oh yeah, and her to, she said she'll leave work as soon as she can and meet us at the hospital."

Finally I hear the ambulance sirens and a flood of relief passes over me. I know  that I'm going to be ok, but I also know as much as I don't want to go to the hospital that I have to be safe anyways. Following right behind the ambulance is a police car. All I really want to do was is go home and sleep. I am so exhausted.

Jason squeezes my hand and kisses my forehead. I move back slightly from the feel of his cold lips."Oh good their finally here."

 As the paramedics start getting the stretcher ready the cop comes over and ask me a few questions. I tell him the story the best that I can, and hope thats going to be all the questions because I really don't feel like reliving it more than I have to right now. They walk over to my old beat up car and put me on the stretcher, and put a brace around my neck, just to be safe until I get a cat scan.

Jason lets go of my hand and kisses my lips."I'm going to get in my car and meet you at the hospital."

 No, not Jason. I don't really need him thinking that things are ok between us."Jason I'm fine. You really don't have to, I'll have my parents there soon, I'm sure."

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