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Oh damn that was so much fun! I look at Josh finally making his way down the slope, he looks kind of scared but hey who blame him, he haven't seen snow sense he moved to LA 6 years ago.

"Hey want to take a break?" He asks me and I just nod. I follow him to where he rented his snowboard... well I guess he is done with the snowboard.

"I think I will ski from now on because damn I now remember why I only snowboarded like once" He laughs and I smile at him because I honestly don't know why he thinks it's so scary.

"Hey Niall help me!" I look at the man who sits with tries to find the right height on a snowboard.

"I be right there I just need to help Liam first." A blond dude answers. Josh walks over and talks to the guy behind the counter about how he would like a pair of skis.

"Hey want some help with that?" I ask the tall dude and when he turns around I realize who he is... he is Harry Styles.. THE Harry Styles my sisters are obsessed with.

"Yeah... I have never done this before and I have no idea what height I should have" He says and I take of my helmet and put it on the chair.

"Here let me see." I look at the snowboards and finds one that I think will fit him.

"Here you go I think this is great for your height, now the question is which foot do you want to have in the front?" I say and he looks really confused.

"Harry dude I see you got help" The blond dude from earlier comes over and says and then he looks at me.

"Oh god you are Louis Tomlinson! Damn you are amazing" He says and I feel a little embarrassed because damn I may be a little famous but it's not usually people say those kinds of thing to be during other times than the x games.

"Yeah, Thanks man" I answer and Harry looks at me.

"So you said something about which foot" He starts and gets rudely interrupted by Josh calling my name.

"Yeah you can either make it easier for yourself on the way up and down by picking the foot you prefer to have in the front... or you can just have it like it is now and go with it until you find which foot you want in the front and then you can fix that then" I answer before I excuse myself to follow Josh.


I just keep giving and giving!

Snow Angels (Larry Stylinson)✔️Where stories live. Discover now