Chapter 17: Through Struggle

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Thanks for the awesome idea! Without you, I don't think I would've figured out how this scene was going to play out. I surely wouldn't have gotten that curse right. =P




I found myself staring death in the face. Or at least I was fairly certain I was. The Dark Lord hovered over me, of course that didn’t take much with me. Even though I was completely disgusted by his face, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. I never pictured this is what would happen. I thought I’d be able to sit here, mind my own business until Artemis got back, and then act like nothing happened. But that was not to happen. Lord Voldemort stood before me, looking as disgusting as ever. I was hoping I was dreaming, but I knew I wasn’t. I kept my eyes on him, I was too afraid of what would happen if I didn’t.

“What do you want?” I asked, admittedly fearing for my life.

He sneered at me. “You’re in the way. You have been for the past few months. You’re the one preventing Artemis from completing his task in a timely manner.”

I watched him draw his wand, and naturally started freaking out. “I didn’t keep him from doing anything! Whatever he did, I didn’t tell him to. Artemis has his own mind, and makes his own decisions.”

He continued to look down at me, staring viciously into my eyes, searching for something that I was not sure of. “For some reason, I’m not buying your story,” he eventually replied. “You have an almost unnatural ability to control him. Don’t think I haven’t been able to see that. Lying to me does not help your case.”

I felt as if I had swallowed my tongue. I wanted to reply, but nothing would come out. If I wasn’t afraid before, now I definitely was. My mind began racing. I was surely going to die here, never again to see Artemis or any of my friends. The worst part about it was that I was alone. No one would know what happened to me.

I was snapped from my thoughts as I saw two more figures come out from the shadows. I didn’t need introductions to recognize the two other Death Eaters. The taller of the two was undeniably Bellatrix Lestrange. Her wild, curly, black hair was piled high on her head. Her pale skin allowed her dark eyes to pierce right through me. I was honestly surprised that I hadn’t noticed her sooner, but her dark attire made it easy for her to hide in the shadows unnoticed. The other Death Eater was Peter Pettigrew, also known as Wormtail. He was the former best friend to Harry’s parents, and the former pet to the Weasleys. If I hadn’t known his Animagus form was a rat, I still would’ve thought he was one. He looked like a rat, smelled like a rat, acted like a rat. But I knew it was Bellatrix I had to be wary about. She was definitely the unstable one.

“Quit beating around the bush. Just kill her already!” Bellatrix shouted. “She has no purpose here.”

Voldemort glared at her. “Why would I want to kill her? What point would that be making, especially without little Artemis around to see it?” Voldemort questioned. “I know what I’m doing. Don’t question me again.” He turned back to me, wand still at the ready. I suddenly wish I knew something to beat him, but I didn’t. I knew no spells strong enough to escape. I know I had to look panicked.

“Awe, she looks frightened,” Wormtail sneered.

I noticed that he and Bellatrix had moved closer to me. Bellatrix knelt down to my level, looking me in my eyes. I resisted the urge to hiss as she lifted my head, examining me like I was prey. “My relatives do have interesting choices in significant others,” she mused. “And at the same time, I wonder what they see in my family in the first place.”

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