It's Not Called K-Pop, You Mewling Quim

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Catty: Here you are... Have a sequel.


"I hate this," Natasha - Sorry. Nata-Chan - growled, her red hair done up in some hairdo that, until she came to Japan, she would not believe to have been actually possible, "I look like a goddamn anime character."

"Nata-chan. Sweetheart," he agent tucked a rebel strand back into place and zipped up the dress on her costume, "That's what people love! The anime style is drawing in more fans every day. Isn't that what you want? To become a big, foreign success?" Natasha bit her lip. It's true, but... This really wasn't how she pictured getting there. She nodded, anyways. Best not to argue with the boss.

"That'a girl," her agent forced a grin onto Natasha's face, "Now, we have a couple of people with backstage passes that want to meet you and then you have a total of ten minutes before you go onstage.

"Great," Natasha sighed. Yeah. She really hated this.


"I found it!" Tony proudly showed off his research to Steve, "It took a lot harder than it really should have, but I found Natasha - Or should I say, Nata-Chan."

"Wait... Isn't that, that Korean chick?" Steve stated, "The big pop star, right?"

"Actually," Tony rolled his eyes, "It's J-Pop that she works in and, originally, she was from Russia. Even in this reality, she's got quite a few feats under her belt. Top of her class, declared innocent in several suspected cases, speaks fluent Russian, Japanese, English, French, Spanish and Portugal, just to name a few. And- HOLY CRAP."

"What?" Steve looked up from Tony's data to see him holding out a phone.


"So... What exactly is our plan?" Steve questioned, giving Tony a skeptical look.

"Well, Steve," Tony grinned, slyly, "I paid someone very important a great deal of money to have her preform here in New York City in a few weeks time. Already got us premium passes and everything."

"So... We're going to a K-Pop concert, then?" Steve raised an eyebrow.

"J-Pop," Tony corrected, "And yes. Yes we are."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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