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Hello people it's me and today I am going to talk about another really great thing that I really love to feel: Jealous.

I am a really jealous person so like i feel jealous of everything and everyone and I hate feeling like that!

I am super jealous with my friends and one day, I will be with my boyfriend too (One day, Meg, one day 👊🏻)

Then lets make a list of the great and the bad things about this:

Good things:
- When you get jealous of someone, its means that you love that person and that you dont wanna loose that person.

Bad things:
- People may thing youre a psyco cos you feel always jealous.
- It makes you feel really bad because you don't wanna be jealous but you can't controle it.
- You can get jealous of anything and then get distracted.

This last thing I say is like when I am jealous and I am studying, I cant study because I keep feeling that feeling and then I cant put it away and I cant concentrate and...


That's it

This was kinda shitty but I had to say it anyway.

So leave me some topic down there in the comments that you would like me to talk about it and yeah, I hope you like it 🤓
Meg 😁🌼❤️

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