Chapter 4

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Most children feel immortal--they have no sense that they're ever going to die. For a child, even growing up is something that's barely comprehensible.
John Saul


Chapter 4

Together, they made their way into the night and Alice clung tightly onto Arthur's arm. She was mesmerized at how beautiful the night truly was. The sky was clear and glistered with millions of stars, the moon reflected brightly onto the ocean. The waves crashed against the shore and created foam on its ridges. The air was humid, but it wouldn't have made a difference to Alice. She was still cold, and she still enjoyed the comfortable feeling thereof. They didn't walk a great distance until they found Anastasia hidden in the night. She was clothed completely in black, just as Arthur and Alice.

"Good evening Arthur," said Anastasia, meeting first Arthur's and then Alice's eyes. "Alice."

Alice nodded though didn't speak. She watched the beautiful Immortale with great inspection, hoping to unclad her secrets with her stare. But Anastasia didn't show any sign of unease as Alice watched her; she merely smiled and started walking into the other direction, towards the rocky sea shore. The three of them climbed the boulders until they reached the highest peak.

"Is this someplace safe?" Arthur asked. He held tightly onto Alice; he was not going to let her out of his sight. He still felt at unease trusting Anastasia, and he could sense that Alice didn't trust her either.

"I need to show you something first," she replied, but there was no sign of mock in her tone.

In the far distance, Arthur could see the various humans searching the beach. They walked up and down the shore, shining their flashlights over every inch of the vicinity. It was evident that they were looking for something, and he knew that at least half of Anastasia's story was true. The humans were searching for Alice; he could see her father's car next to the road.

"They're looking for her," said Anastasia. Arthur rolled his eyes at her statement. He was not an imbecile, even if Anastasia thought him to be.

"It's the normal thing to do. I would have done the same."

"They are not normal human beings, Arthur."

He looked once more at the humans searching the perimeter, but nothing seemed out of place. They were simply the loved ones of an ill teenage girl who had disappeared. Surely Anastasia couldn't make such an assumption without valid reason. He watched her as her emotionless face searched his.

"Then what are they?" he asked, growing impatient with her hazy proclamations. He knew Anastasia was one to keep secrets, and he had always respected her seclusion, but Alice's safety depended on what Anastasia knew, and his patience was wearing thin.

"They are Hunters. You have created an Immortale from a Hunter's child."

"That's ludicrous, Anastasia. I've watched Alice and her family for two years. Surely I would have known if they were Hunters. Surely they would have detected my presence if they were."

Anastasia chuckled softly. She shook her head and took Arthur by the shoulders, her cold eyes boring into his. He returned the glare and he could see that Anastasia was not kidding. He knew this, not because he couldn't detect deceit in her eyes, but because there was nothing which implied that she was lying. Anastasia was different— she was scared.

"Even if it is true, it doesn't matter. I will take Alice someplace safe."

"You don't grasp Arthur; they won't stop searching for her." Her voice was earnest and high-pitched. Her brow was edged with concern. Anastasia had no idea how she was going to tell Arthur that they already knew an Immortale was involved.

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