Saved or endangered?

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They carefully strode towards the warehouse equipped with their guns. They were trying to rescue Timothy McGee a agent from Washington. Seeing that he is like the nerd of the group he doesn't expect to be captured yet here he was.

A video had been released of him getting tortured in a basement somewhere. Luckily the team also had their computer experts and they had analysed the footage and traced it to the warehouse, the one they were standing outside.

Sam and Callen had went round the rear of the warehouse whereas Kensi and Deeks approached the front of the warehouse.

They patiently waited for Hetty's signal, beforehand she had briefed them and practically begged them to bring McGee otherwise Gibbs would have Hetty's head on a stick.

The three of them waited on the signal from Sam and yelled "go go go" into their comms.

Something was off as soon as they walked in they were expecting to encounter gunmen yet they never saw or heard anyone.

Sam and Callen are knocking down all the doors in sight one after the other yet they can't find McGee. In each of the rooms were empty but one of the rooms felt off so himself and Callen walked through the back where they saw a hidden room. If was covered with chains and dried blood. They never saw McGee thought.

They inform the rest of the team, they are both angry that they never found him yet at the same time blissful at the hope that he is still living.

They all decide to look around the rest of the warehouse o find clues for his whereabouts, still with Deeks and Kensi at the front and Sam and Callen at the back. They all continued to move into the lions den.

Bright dashing red lights fill the room, Kensi looks at Deeks and Deeks looks at Kensi.

"RUN!" They yell to everyone alerting Hetty and OSP that somethings wrong.

They all run unknowingly about what's going to happen suddenly a loud screening noise blasted through the air causing all the agents to fall to the ground.

They all had their hands protecting their ears. It felt like a million wasps sting the inside of their ears.

It was now starting to burst their brain vessels, one by one, hot tears rolling down their face. Kensi and Deeks tried to protect each other as their training kicked in Sam and Callen weren't long behind them.

Sam and Callen had painfully crawled out but Kensi and Deeks was only just rising to their feet, walking with the buzzing still surrounding them...

Alarms and Tortureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن