Tim Mcgraw

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Please note that if you steal anything from this story, including the idea, the characters, the plots, or ANYTHING, I will find out and you will get some serious trouble. I hate when people steal my hard work and I've had it done before so DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!

Thank you! ^.^

Shout out to Kwassa for the trailer she is working on for me! She's amazing so you should check out some of her work! Seriously; do it. :P 


June 13th, 2011

It had been three years since I had returned to Georgia. Three years since that unforgettable summer with Jake. I still remembered everything like it was yesterday. The way he looked. The way he smelled. Everything...

I'd wondered a lot about him while I was away. Did he have a girlfriend? Did he have a job? I didn't know. I never would have thought that I would be back, but here I am. Driving down the road in my Chevy pickup truck. It almost looked exactly like his did. It was one of the reasons that I bought it in the first place. I looked to my right and glanced down at the letter in the empty seat beside me. It was addressed to him, I just had to hope and pray that he hadn't moved. It was such a small town that I was almost positive that he hadn't. And if he had then I could easily get his new address from the people in town. They were sure to know.

I flicked on my turn signal, and took a left into Jake's old driveway. It looked exactly the same. I took a deep breath and took the keys out of the ignition. I opened the door, and stepped out of the car, breathing in the fresh air. Looking around me, I noticed that there was no truck in the driveway, and came to the conclusion that nobody was home.

I guess I'll just have to wait then...

And wait I did. I sat down on the porch steps and leaned against the wooden light blue rail. Closing my eyes I let myself relive that Summer all over again:

June 13th, 2009

"Emily, come back here!" I screamed, chasing after the lab my little brother had let out. It was the start of the Summer and school had only just let out a few days ago. The air was hot and humid which was why I had been doing chores in the house in my grey tank-top and old pair of my favorite blue jeans. My hair was tied up in a messy ponytail and as I raced after my dog, I swerved through the town people shouting 'excuse me's' and pushing pass some people.

If my dog gets run over I swear I'm going to kill Tod.

That was the only thing that had been running through my mind. I heard my name being called, and just as I turned my head, I ran right into someone, knocking me to the ground.

"Ow." I said as my head made contact with the dirt.

"Oh crap, my bad! Are you alright?" I opened my eyes to see a boy about my age looking down worryingly at me. He had dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes. He was tall and I could tell that he shaved by the stub of hair along his cheekbones.

"Here, let me help you." And before I could even think of accepting or denying that request, I was yanked to my feet, making my head spin even more. When my vision cleared I finally realized who he was. Jacob Tyler. He went to my school and was a grade below me.

"You okay?" He asked, looking intensely at me, trying to make sure that no harm had been done. I blinked a few times before finally answering him.

"Yeah, I think so. Sorry I ran into you, I was just chasing after Emily, my dog." And then I realized that it was probably too late to find her. I yanked my hair out of its loose ponytail and ran my fingers through the blonde strands, trying to figure out what to do now. I bit my lip in frustration before glancing back at Jacob.

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