another sad short story 2

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Kei had awaken to the peaceful drops of heaven tapping against his windowsill. Walking out of his dreary room into the cold, deserted house, Kei had searched for a soul of humanity, to which came a negative result. No one had been there. The narrow, shotgun halls of what he called "home" had been empty for years. 

Kei's dad was ridden of the world seven years ago through a heroin addiction. His once caring mom, had betrayed him and left the house forever, leaving Kei to fend for himself. Humanity had been unsympathetic to him, and his deteriorating mind had drawn him to the natural darkness of the world. Kei had left the cold, callous house for good.

Kei, leaving the last memory of his unrelentless childhood behind, walked into the darkness of the woods with nothing but the clothes on his back, and the memories of pain and suffering. He had no concrete destination, and no real motive. Rain had fallen atop Kei's ahead for the past hour but to no effect. His mind, and body were already naturally cold. Mud puddles splashed underneath his feet and the reflection of his face in the water was distorted from the teardrops running down his face.

The fog of the forest had covered Kei's' vision. Nothing could be seen until walked through. It did not look like it would soon clearup. Step by step, Kei would walk and unveil more and more. The darkness of the forest had brought Kei's mind to a sense of melancholy. There was no sense of hope walking through the mud and rain. The tall cedarwood tree's covered up all traces of Sunshine. It was dark. 

Kei emerged from the fog and the darkness that inhabited it. What was seen was not a lush, green meadow... What he had seen had changed his view on his own 

"What is left for me now..?"

"April 6th 2008"

"To whoever may find me..

"My name is Kei and I am 14 years old. Life has been unkind to me and I feel there is nothing else to live for. I have no motive to live. I have no money, no 

friends, and now I have no family. When sunlight had become visible, and I had left the forest, I had seen something immature to the eye. My natural instinct 

told me that it was untrue, ethereal almost.. but my senses told me this was really happening. In a burning car that had been mutilated by a tree, laying 

unconscious, was my mother. She was not moving.. Although the car was a flaming ball of light, I felt no warmth.. I have endured hell throughout my life. God 

has chose this fate for me and I abide by it, with no regrets. Although uncaring, unsettling, and unkind, I still respect and love my mother. You did not 

love me.. but I forgive you, and now I am truly sorry for the both of us.

I'm sorry. - Kei"

Kei took his mother's lifeless body out of the burning car and set her down on the ground. Kei then proceeded to lay down next to her, holding her hand, Kei 

took his own life and finally for the first time in 10 years, smiled.

"I love you mother.."

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