Chapter 1

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Hate is such a strong word | 01

HARRIET WIPED THE GLOBS OF MUD OFF HER PANTS, scowling at whoever stopped and stared at her. It wasn't her fault she slipped into the muddy puddle. Her mind was already to jumbled to pay attention to things around her. Or in her case, things under her.

"Damn it," she furiously scrubbed at the persistant brown stain on her knee (which by now, looked like dog poop) but it wouldn't budge. Almost as if the universe was trying to displease her, the brown stain only smudged wider.

Harriet couldn't go home. She stormed out of the house for a very good reason, and entering back in in less than an hour would mean she was admitting defeat to her parents unfair demands.

"I'll just ask Diana for her gym pants," Harriet compromised, picking up the shards of dignity scattered on the pavement, and continued to walk to school. She was used to this. It's not like this was her first time tripping in mud.

Her eyes snapped to the opposite sidewalk, and narrowed as she saw the person she had learned to hate.

Daniel Mormon walked down the opposite pavement like he owned the world. Normally, Harriet, like every other living woman with functioning ovaries and hormones, would have stopped to relish his beauty. His perfectly sculpted jaws, his vibrant green eyes. Not to mention his tousled brown hair and his model body. Yes, Harriet might have thought Daniel was gorgeous, but that was all. Daniel didn't make her heart beat faster, or her cheeks grow rosy (her cheeks did burn... With anger).

Daniel's presence only brought her a sense of mis-belonging and a lot, of hate. Because Daniel was lucky, and Harriet would be happy to get by without falling into conspicuous puddles.

Daniel continued to mindlessly skip around. Harriet eyed a puddle a few feet away from him, but when Daniel reached the watery mess, his foot merely avoided it.

"Asshole," Harriet hissed in jealousy, angrily looking at her pants again. She hated Daniel. Hate. Hate hate hate. She loved the way it rolled off her tongue. "Hate."

Without a second glance, Harriet continued walking to school, her mind abuzz with ways to get rid of the suspicious stain she just realized, was right next to her butt, and how to surreptitiously kill Daniel Mormon.

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Daniel was feeling lucky today. 

No, he felt lucky everyday, but today felt even luckier.

So the first thing Daniel did was talk to the soccer coach about the availability for a position as captain.

He got it.

Then, he decided that today would be the day he would break it off with his overly clingy girlfriend, Kate Gryme, even though she always hinted that if he broke up with her, she would cut his balls off and feed them to her dogs.

She did cut him with her nail, but overall, he was very much alive and very much a man.

However, everything went downhill the moment he set eyes on Harriet Benchman.

When their gazes met, all Daniel got was a shriveled glare and a very subtle middle finger. All he gave back was an impassive face, but his thoughts were murderous.

Oh, how much he despised her.

She might have been pretty with her brown locks and caramel skin but her grey, cat-like eyes only held murky hate. And the hate encompassed her body until all he saw was the devil in disguise.

They walked past each other without a second glance.

Good riddance, Daniel thought, before plastering on a fake grin and joining his friends.

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A/N: Please don't ask. Good. Cause I also have no idea why I have started this book. I thought it was a good book because I started to think about things that rhyme with you know what when I was watching Gossip Girl (Because Blair called Chuck a motherchucker, which I found hilarious) so yeah I came up with Mother Lucker and boom! Now I'm writing this book and I'm gonna go because I'm ranting...

P.S Isn't Tom webb HOT?

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