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"Oh come on. Sam you know I really reaaly need this. You're my only chance." Bryce pleaded.

Bryce looked at me with his annoyingly blue eyes.

"Bryce i promised ill never do those things again. Why don't you try Hailey?" I grabbed my coffee frappe and sipped while looking at Bryce with a blank look.

Im enjoying my cup of coffee frappee here at café street way from home when Bryce came and bombarded me saying he need me again to act as his other girlfriend so her four days girlfriend will break up with him. Again he always do the craziest idea.

I would have helped him if I didn't do this for the fifth time and the last time almost ruined my future. Literally.

I met Bryce last four years. And man if I have the chance to turn back the time. It would be the time that I met him.

Don't get me wrong. Bryce is nice. No scratch that he's really great. He's Tall. Hot and have a really nice personally. I really love his bright his blue eyes and sick smile. He's great to be around and he became my bestfriend instantly. I never thought he could look this good now. Before I was even stronger than him. I mean he's a complete wimp. But as time goes by he became a good looking guy and became popular at school.if he'll just stop annoying the hell out of me can I can even like him but no.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust. " I'd rather date Lizzy Hall than have Hailey as my fake girlfriend. You know she'll skin me to death."

"Then you don't have other choice. I'll never forget what happened to me when I become you're 'other girlfriend' " I made the quote gesture in the air.

"come on Sam you know Hailey was drunk that time. She wasn't in her proper mind." He grabbed my hand and looked at me straight in the eye. Like he was looking straight to my soul.

I sighed mentally. Men! Bryce never learned his lesson.

"Yea She wasn't in her proper mind when she accidentally threw the remaining juice in my shirt in front cafeteria after you told her I was the one you love. Yea yea whatever bryce." I gave him a disgusted look.

"Look I'm sorry she did that to you. But it's different this -"

"Different? Bryce you told me that 3 times and they all ended the same. Why don't you just man-up and tell her you don't really like her? Or better yet stop flirting with girls around you so you don't end up in trouble anymore. " I glared at him. I still haven't forgave him. Her freak girlfriend humiliated me in front of cafeteria.

When I looked at his face I know I went over too much. And guilt flooded my body.

Damn! I hated feeling guilty.

"Okay. I understand. My girl bestfriend. Only girl bestfriend-"

"You have Paige and Hailey" I said. Mentioning my two bestfriends which he grows fond of.

He continued as if I haven't said anything " who cares for me wont even help me. I understand. Really. Its nothing. Maybe I'll just look for job as my gold digger girlfriend eats my wallet. I mean what choice do I have. My bestfriend turned her back on me." He signed.

I took out my phone and called Hailey. Which she answered instantly.

"Hailey! Please take Bryce away from me! He's freaking me out." I said before she can even say hello.

"He's your bestfriend. Deal with it." She answered with her sweet british voice. "Where are you by the way. Paige just called me-"

"Is that Hailey?" Bryce asked and took my phone instantly that I don't even have the time to react. "Hailey I need your help-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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