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This is the second chapter of a little six chapter story. ;) The chapters are going to get longer now. Hopefully, this story will go be fast. Maybe it'll be finished in two or three weeks? It depends, since this is the last day of spring break, so my schedule'll be back to it's normal, crazy self. You got to love homework and tests. Onwards with the chapter!

The boy had aviator goggles on his head and was wearing tan cargo pants that were tucked into combat boots. He also wore a simple white shirt and brown gloves, complete with an aviator hat and jacket. The attire made it clear what he was.

"You're a pilot, aren't you," inquired England, who had turned around and returned to his seat at the latest development.

Pursing his lips, the boy nodded. Awkward silence ensured. The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Finally, the silence was broken by the boy who wincing, crawled off the table and started edging his way towards the door.

"It really was nice meeting you all," the boy laughed nervously. "But duty calls, and planes don't fly themselves." He opened the door and slipped through it, the soft sound of the door closing creating an uncomfortable aura in the room.

Finland coughed. "Everyone, we really should get him back here." All the nations turned towards Finland, who shuffled timidly. "I mean, it doesn't really make sense, does it. Where was his plane? Pilot's don't just drop out of the sky without a plane..." 

Sweden nodded. "M' w'fe 's r'ght."

Finland blushed, embarrassed. "I'm not your wife!"  

Austria spoke up. "So the pilot's hiding something, huh. It was pretty suspicious. He looked a bit too young to be able to fly."

Hungary pitched in. "And shouldn't a normal human be crying or at least cursing in pain? He didn't seem to be in that much distress, even though he crashed through a window..."

Germany stood. "We aren't going to get answers sitting here. Let's catch him before he escapes." Germany then rapidly left the room, other nations following quickly. 

Smiling happily, Italy pointed down the hall. "There he is! Ve..."

The boy, seeing the nations following them, started to walk faster. Rounding a corner, he burst into a sprint, purposely knocking down a potted plant as he passed.

The plant made Italy trip and he started to cry. Cursing, Germany went back to help the crying nation. "Continue on without me, "he ordered. "And gott verdammt, catch the boy!"

England jumped over the plant and took out his pocket knife. France asked, "Aren't weapons prohibited in meetings?"

"No one listens to the stupid bloody rules, Frog," England grumbled. "Now are you coming or not?" France sighed and ran along with England, Canada trailing behind.

Meanwhile, the boy was making a mad dash for an exit. Quickly taking out his phone while running, he dialed the one number he knew could possibly help him in this situation. "Boss! I need help! You know that sometimes I have to fly my plane for missions? Well, something went wrong with the engine, so I crashed...somewhere. What do you mean just fix it? Boss, don't hang up, I'm in real trouble this time! No, not like the last two incidents. Yes, I need help. Okay, so I jumped out of the plane as it started to fall. No, I don't know where it is. Probably in a lake or something. Dude! That isn't the problem here! Okay, so I jumped and landed in a meeting. That meeting. Yes. And now all the nations are chasing after me. I am going to die, unless you help. This is kind of your sworn duty. Don't be all 'I didn't know this is what that meant' on me, Boss. You know I love you. What'd you mean no McDonalds for a year? Fine, be that way! Just hurry up and help me! Bye, Boss!"

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