I. Brothers

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"I'm not twelve. I'm almost fourteen years old."

James sits with his arms crossed, defiant, almost glaring at Kenji. I can barely hold back a smile as Kenji continues to pester him.

"No, kid. You're twelve years old. Seriously."

"God, Kenji!" James' eyes are blazing now as he sits on the edge of his seat. "I am almost twel - fourteen. I'm fourteen." His mistake doesn't go unnoticed. Kenji and I are doubling over with laughter already. I'm clutching my stomach, avoiding James' gaze.

When I'm no longer in fits, I look up, unable to stop smiling still. James is looking down at the carpeted floor, hands clutching the edge of the couch he's sitting on.

Kenji shifts to the space beside him, lips slightly twisted upwards. He wraps an arm across James' bent back, trying to pull him closer. James is resisting, pushing him away, making sounds of protest. Kenji changes tactic. His fingers begin poking all over James' abdomen and James is trying to hold back giggles, hands slapping him away, failing to accomplish both.

"What's happening here?"

I turn in the direction of the new voice. Adam walks into the room, followed by Aaron. Aaron's emerald gaze meets mine and I smile as a response to his.

"Why are you troubling my brother, Moto?"

Kenji moves away from James instantly. "Don't call me that."

Adam ignores him. "So, Moto, why are you bothering my little bro?"

Kenji looks away and I hold in a snicker. Adam discovered a long time ago that his best weapon in dealing with Kenji was calling by that infamed nickname.

"He says I'm twelve years old."

"Here we go again," Aaron says from beside me. His body is close to me, our legs touching, his hand on my thigh. I lean against his frame and he lightly kisses my hair.

"I am almost fourteen!" Each word is pronounced clearly. James is making his point clear. But it doesn't stop all of us from laughing again.

"So," Adam says, "almost fourteen year old. We-" He stops, glances at Aaron nervously, then turns back to James. "We need to talk to you."

The air in the room shifts, the laughs forgotten. This is it. This moment is crucial. This is why we've all gathered here. A knot builds in my chest. I really hope this goes well.

Aaron's hands have reached for mine, his grip tight. Kenji looks solemn, shifting closer to James. And, Adam - Adam is tapping his foot, running his hand through his hair, breathing hard, gathering the courage to do what he has to do.

James notices the shift in all our moods. He's sitting upright as he says, "What? What is it?"

Adam swallows, then sits up straight. "James, we want to tell you something. Something we've hidden because . . because we, um-"

"We want to tell you the truth now," Aaron speaks up, exchanging a look with Adam.

Adam nods, turns back to James. "Aaron is our brother, James. We share the same father. He's other brother."


We're all looking at James. Aaron's hand is tight in mine and I squeeze back. This has to go well. There cannot be any other conclusion. We had no idea how James would react, but Aaron and Adam decided to do it sooner rather than later. I can only hope, pray, wish for their sake that James accepts the news positively.

James . . James' eyes are wide. The blue of his irises seen to be glistening as the light in the room reflect against it. His lips are slightly parted and he's blinking rapidly. He looks stunned.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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