Chapter 25

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- Anna-

Well that was everything........... that's what normal people say right?

Everything was ready, because everything was about to go up in Ice. Yes ice.

I stopped playing in my mind as there was a knock on the door.

I turned and watched as the white queen nodded for it to be opened.

As the large white doors opened in walked a small blue hedge hog.

"My Queen! My Queen! I have news for you! News for you!" he squeaked out.

The Queen properly set down on the steps as he crawled up next to her.

I on the other foot did not move. I only stood still be hind them looking through my looking glasses under the rim of my hat as he went on.

"My Queen. He has all of them! All of them! He got your letter about trading the girl for them. The girl! and they are going to the empty land now!! Now!"

With that the white Queen stood up turning to me with glasses that filled with what they call fear.

"Anna are you sure about this???"

Before I could let out words there was a small gasp from the small blue creature below us.

"You are her? her ? Anna Bee? EVOL!!" He spoke as his face went red.

My glasses widened the only one who ever called me that was Jack but because of my hat he couldn't see it. I wanted to run over why he said evol. I only nodded and started to walking my way to the door. Stopping as my body went serous but not turning to say.

"Yes my name is Anne, but people call me Anna Bee. Call me what ever you like. Or what you don't. Queen of the white I am sure I am ready because I have seen how this story ends. Yes the beginning. Just take the chess to the empty space and do as planed but after the trade be ready because there will soon be different spaces. "

I walked the rest of the way to the door and stopped.

"Oh and my dear don't look at me with such sadness in your glasses. This isn't even  my story to end with. I am just helping color in the pages. It will be their choice on wither to bind the pictures together or not."

With that I was off. Behind me I could hear her give the order to march out. For soon I would join them, but there was one more path I needed to take before I filled in the last bit of color to the picture.

I put my hand on my hat and started running two times faster. Because everyone should know to get anywhere in wonderland you had to run two times as fast to get there.

I knew why this man is doing what he is because you cant find your way with out the key to wonderland.

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