Releasing My Demons

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I stare into the mirror
My gaze deepens as I see.
I'm not in my reflection
Who's looking back, it isn't me.

I move myself, left and right
My hands shake with fear.
I go to touch the mirror man
He accepts my hand coming near.

"Mirror Man, who are you?"
I ask in pure amazement.
"I'm the darker side of you."
And then things seem to get hazy.

Next thing I know, there is no mirror.
The mirror man is gone.
And I'm standing in front of a house.
I slowly walk on to the lawn.

The night sets and sun goes down
I stand up at the door.
"Release all of your demons Jackson.
End this internal war!"

I kick it in and children scream
For them it is too late.
I turn and face a man
He is in his middle age.

Then a flash of rage comes upon me
And I am charging at the man.
He screams "Stop, please!" and I hesitate,
But the demons say I can't.

After the man is "dealt" with.
I have quickly slit his throat.
I briskly move to the next floor.
When outside I see a note.

"Please, spare us."
I read aloud, and repeated to myself.
But inside I could not control
my weary mental health.

I kicked in every door
until the last one on the hall.
I put my ear up to it
I could here them softly bawl.

"Please stop." I said to myself
Hoping the demons would hear.
But next I kicked the door in
Not shedding a single tear.

"Release the demons!" I heard again
By now I'm too far gone.
In my attempt to release them
I have shared with others my harm.

I turn towards the two children.
Crying they look to be ten.
I drop the knife, I turn around.
I wish that I'd been dead.

"I'm sorry" I softly whisper
Not thinking anyone would hear.
"It's okay" the girl now whispers.
"Your demons have disappeared."

My eyes widen as I turn around
I'm struck by what I see.
The little girl I'm talking to
Holds in her hand a master key.

"Jackson, this is just a dream
you're about to wake up now.
But take this gold key with you
what it's for you'll figure out."

As soon as I grabbed the key
Things went hazy again
I was back at the same mirror
Except I was looking in.

And to this day I know not
What this key is truly for.
But the demons once inside me
Are not within me anymore.

Releasing My DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now