~ 3 ~ The Wrath Of The Ocean ~

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Paige was still sitting beside Jasmine after their house was completely enclosed in flames. The two words had been said a few minutes ago still echoed in her mind. She had been so shocked, she didn't know whether it was her of Jasmine that had said it. Yes, Paige thought. What now? Her gaze drifted to the sea that had been part of her life for her 12 years of living. The storm had enraged it, swirling and roaring as it hit the beach rather than making the soft wavy sounds she was so familiar of. "Do you think mother and father, even big brother made it out, Paige?" A shivering Jasmine asked. 'I do not think they made it out, Jasmine. Even if they did, they would be badly burnt and would most likely die anyways." Jasmine shrank into Paige. Paige put her hand around Jasmine and said, "Let's get changed now. We can't afford to catch any kind of sickness when we have no family or home right now, can we?" Jasmine nodded. "Do you still have your bag and blanket?" Paige said, tightly holding her bag and stuffed animal in the hand that wasn't around Jasmine. "Of course," she said, holding it up. Paige looked up and saw an old woman on the top floor of a house that was once her next door neighbor's house. She was peering down at the garden through her glasses with a phone to her ear. Paige didn't want to frighten Jasmine, so she didn't say anything. "Lets go into the bushes." Jasmine didn't complain as they quickly ran into a bush and dressed in a pair of warm clothes. Paige emerged first to a bad sight. The grass had caught fire and was quickly creeping it's way toward them! "Ahhh... Jasmine?" Jasmine poked her head around the bushes. Paige could tell she was about to say something, but then she caught sight of the burning grass. "That's bad..." Paige took up her bag, about to run. "Got your bag?" Jasmine nodded and showed her the bag on her back and the blanket in her hand. Paige grabbed Jasmine's hand and started to run, leaving the flames to swallow the grass where they had stood a moment ago. Paige didn't slow down, not even when the rain reached them. She didn't stop until she had reached the beach. The waves looked a bit more terrifying now they were not very far from them. Paige put her stuff on the sand. Jasmine put her bag beside Paige's. Paige sat down, but Jasmine went right up to the waves. The waves were violently, quickly and powerfully pulling back anything within their reach into the sea. Paige looked closely at the waves. They seemed to be getting bigger, but Jasmine hadn't noticed. "Jasmine? You might want to get away from those waves..." Jasmine turned, about to walk back to Paige, but then a big wave caught her and dragged her back into the sea. Paige sprang to her feet, horrified, as Jasmine tried - and failed - to escape the current. Her scream split the air. "JASMINE!" Paige ran to the beginning of the sea, but by the time she got there, Jasmine had been submerged by the merciless ocean. She looked around desperately. Then she saw Jasmine. She was desperately thrashing around, trying to stay afloat. "HELP! HELP ME!" She screamed. Her hand stretched out to the shore, yet it fell short by a long distance. Paige watched helplessly as Jasmine sunk back into endless raging blue.


Paige was frozen in shock for a few seconds. "NO!" She screamed. Then, without thinking, she ran right into the surf to save her sister. The waves pushed forward, making her task harder, but then it pushed back, plunging her into the raging waters. Paige fought her urge to swim up. Instead she swam down and opened her eyes wide in the salty water, not even caring when it hurt. All she cared about was saving Jasmine. Soon she found her, struggling to swim up. Paige recalled that Jasmine is not the best of swimmers. Paige was running out of breath, and the effort of staying down so far from the surface wasn't helping. Paige knew that Jasmine can hold her breath much longer than Paige. Jasmine reached up to Paige desperately. Bubbles were suddenly all around Jasmine's mouth as she tried to speak. Paige shook her head, hoping she'd get the message not to try and speak. To Paige's big relief, she nodded her head vigorously and didn't try to speak again. Paige kicked furiously, swimming down strongly to grab Jasmine's hand. Paige tried to tug her up, but Jasmine's foot was caught in seaweed. Paige propelled herself down to solve the problem, even though she was becoming desperate for air. Jasmine helped, pulling her down. Paige gripped the seaweed with both hands and started clearing the tangle of the seaweed from around her legs. By now her lungs were screaming for air. At long last, the seaweed was finally cleared from around Jasmine's leg and Paige swum up strongly, even though she was feeling tired and was worrying that she'd become unconscious after holding her breath for so long. Paige was better at swimming than Jasmine. Suddenly a strong current caught the two of them, carrying a now unconscious Paige and a shocked Jasmine back into shore.


Why hello again, my amazing readers! I'm so glad you proceeded here! And oh my pancake! I shared this chapter less than 34 hours after sharing chapter 2! WOWZA! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll give you one clue about the next chapter, even though it's kinda obvious. They are now... ORPHANS.

I hope to release the next chapter within 3 days! :) Happy reading/writing, everyone!

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