Chapter 1 - The Prophecy

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I ran through the stairs, barely pausing to catch my breath. It was a relief to be out of sight of those hidden guards. I could swear that some of them had some kind of vendetta against me. For what, getting more action than you statues? I mentally taunt them but then shiver as the experiences within the Cavern of Time come back to me. But then again, I would probably have handed over the task to you if the consequences of being found out wasn't so fatal.

I take a moment's pause from the run up the stairs for some breath while clearing my mind from these thoughts. That's all in the past now. Let's focus on the hurdle that's coming. It's easier said than done though since I've always been distracted too easily. And the relief of being away from their gazes is overshadowed by the pressure of being in his gaze. It is still strange to think that I had almost raised this child from birth till the Ascension and now I'm afraid of him. Well, considering the others, I'm pretty sure afraid but alive tops being dead.

I make my way up, mentally wondering why there isn't an elevator in this place. It would most certainly make movement in the tower easier. I check the satchel around my chest to make sure the glass artefact is still intact and I shake the excess water from the rain outside to not look like the drenched human lapdog I am right now. And then I knock. Or at least that's the intention because before I can knock, the door opens inwards on its own and I flinch at the impatience that fills the room. I want to crack a joke but since I'll be dead long before I can think of the word 'punchline', I don't dare to. "I don't like to wait!" He thunders and despite the seriousness of the present situation, I'm transported back to the past for the similar moments of us.

"I don't like to wait!" The little boy throws a fit when I delay too much in giving him sweets. He would do the same whenever I tried to make him learn patience and upon hearing these words even now, I know I never made any progress.

I bow my head down as I pull the treasure out of my satchel. "Apologies, Dark Master." I voice even as I put the orb on the table gently and back away. "Apologies, little master." The words from the past echo between us but I know that only I can hear those words in this room. My beloved 'little master' Mandarin was no longer in the body in front of me. "I'm not fit enough anymore to race through these stairs like I used to."

"You lie." He spoke and, maybe it was my imagination, but I think I heard a child's petulance in his response. His body, his words, his tone... no, I must be imagining it. "But I don't care about your lies right now. Go away now. I'll call for you when I'm ready to bestow your reward." The words aren't done coming out of his mouth before he non-verbally dismisses me. All of his attention is now focused on the Orb of Fate and the anticipation and wonder that I see on him cuts me deep within because of the resemblance I see with the child that no longer exists. Maybe he still ... I immediately cut that thought down before it can cripple me with the illogical hope. Nodding in acquiescence, I step backwards until I'm out of the room.

And once the door closes behind me, I collapse against the wall in grief. It has been fifteen years since that eight-year-old kid lost himself and still I search for him within this man. When will it ever get easier to look at him? I try but I can't hold back the tears that fall. I know I should control myself for when I'm safe. I should control myself for this is not the place to show any kind of weakness. I know I should control myself because if he finds out I knew the pre-Ascension him, he'll kill me. But in this moment, I can't. Never have in all these years I have seen so much resemblance of the one he used to be back then.

Everything suddenly turns white in front of my eyes and I momentarily panic if I just died but before I can even finish the thought, the light clears and though my vision is slightly impaired, I know what just happened. Mandarin was using the Orb of Fate to know his future. I should have warned him but that would mean a definite death sentence. Let him find about it on his own. And then, I hear him find out about it.

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