Chapter 29 - News

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Grayson's Point of View
Because I wanted Jenni to rest, I just wanted to leave her alone so I left her room. I went up to the fourth floor where Ethan was currently in the surgery room. I walked up to the desk to ask how Ethan was doing.
"Hi, um excuse me can you tell me how Ethan Dolan is doing?" I asked the lady behind the desk.
"He's currently in the surgery room right now, the doctors are trying to figure out if he has any major injuries. But he should be out shortly."
I thanked her and waited in the waiting room. I sat down and anxiously started waiting to see how Ethan turned out. I was so scared to hear how he was I was literally shaking with fear.
I couldn't stand just sitting there doing nothing while Ethan might be dying so I decided to go to the room and check on him. I walked over to the surgery room and since I couldn't go inside, I looked through the unblocked window. Through the window, I saw that they were looking at pictures of his brain.
'Oh no,' I thought to myself, 'He might have a coma.' I started to get really scared at that point. If Ethan had a coma, there was a high possibility of him leaving. That couldn't happen. He can't leave me. If he did, that would mean that the last thing I said to him was 'I hate you.' If he did leave, I would feel so much guilt, because I was the one who made him feel like nothing, the one who made him jump.
Tears started forming in my eyes because the thought of losing Ethan actually made me really sad. I may act mean and rude to him sometimes, but where twins, its what we do. He's like my other half without him I'd be lost.
I started to pace back and forth and started to think, 'What would happen if Ethan left?' 'What would I do without Ethan?' 'I would hate myself for making him die.' I couldn't stop thinking about all the negative that would happen to Ethan, thinking of the positive felt like it was impossible. I just couldn't let Ethan leave me, not like this.
I was taken out of my thoughts when I saw the door open and the doctor came outside with a clipboard. I literally ran to him, knowing that he came out to inform me about something. He saw me and looked a little worried, which got me even more scared.
"Hello young man, are you related to Ethan Dolan?" The doctor asked.
"Yes I'm his twin brother, is there anything wrong with him?" I asked hoping nothing too serious was wrong with Ethan.
"Well..." the doctor trailed off. "When Ethan fell off the roof, he hit his head really hard, and it caused some brain damage. He is in a coma, and his brain is starting to swell up."
"Is that bad?" I asked really hoping it wasn't as bad as it sounded.
"A coma is very serious and can have some side affects such as personality changes, drowsiness, memory loss or maybe death." The thought of there being a slight chance of Ethan dying made all the tears that I was holding in instantly come out. I couldn't help it, I couldn't lose Ethan this way, I just couldn't. He meant to much to me, he can't just leave me, because I need him way more than he needs me.
"Is it serious? Is the brain swelling really bad?" I asked my voice getting chocked up from the tears.
"We took a brain scan and the swelling is getting pretty serious and we gave him a vaccine to help the swelling go down, but since he's in a coma, there's not much we can do."
"Can I go see him?" I asked.
"We want him to get as much rest as possible tonight, but you can come tomorrow morning. You should get some sleep too, and don't stress about it too much, we'll do everything we can to keep him here." The doctor said with a smile and patted me on the back as he walked away. I couldn't not stress about Ethan. He was the only family member that I saw everyday, and losing that would feel like losing a part of me. As much as I wanted to see Ethan, I knew I had to wait. But I couldn't go home, because something could happen and I wouldn't be here. I decided to just spend the night at the hospital. I walked to the cafeteria to grab myself something to eat. As I walked in, I noticed a lot of people looking at me. Then I realized that I still had the tuxedo on from the birthday party. I laughed a bit to myself because I thought it was pretty funny that I was still in my tux. The more I thought about my tux, the more I thought about Ethan. We were both in tuxes for our birthday, and we were having fun, but now, Ethan in that tux could be the only memory I have of him.
I brushed the thought of Ethan away because that only made me more depressed. Instead, I grabbed the food they had, which was a box of orange juice and oatmeal and ate it in one of the tables. I finished my food and walked back to the waiting room, where I would be staying the rest of the night.
I woke up the next morning to the feeling of someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw that it was the nurse shaking me to wake up.
"You can come to see your brother now." She said with a smile on her face.
She led me to the third floor, the floor where Jenni was in. They had placed Ethan in the room next to hers. We entered the room and for the first time since yesterday, I saw Ethan, I wish I didn't. He was covered in more cuts and bruises than I thought. He had a cut on his forehead, and a bruise growing around it, along with bruises on his jaw. He also had bandages around his head, from where he was bleeding when he hit his head.
The nurse left leaving me alone with Ethan. I pulled up a chair and sat next to his bed, and slightly held his hand.
"Ethan, most people will say that what happened to you happened because it was your time to go, or that you don't have to hold on anymore, and you can leave if you want to. I am not one of those people. I want you to stay here, it is not your time to go. You'te still to young and still have to many things to accomplish. Maybe the real reason I don't want you to leave is because of me. I still need you here Ethan, I really do. I can't let you leave, because then that would mean that the last thing I said to you was 'I hate you' and I caused your death. I can never live with that, and I can't live without you either. I love you so much dude, like I can't even tell you. Your my twin, like my other half, and if I lose you, it would feel like losing a part of me. Just please, hold on for a little longer, just try to do it, for me." As I finished my sentence, I let go of his hand. I got up and was heading for the door when I saw Ethan's head tilt downward and the heart monitor showed a straight line. I stood in shock and horror as the doctors came rushing in.
They escorted me out of the room but I was to frantic and tears, I just started to shout.
"You can't make him die! He needs to stay with me! I need him to live!" I yelled as tears came down my face.
Another doctor tried to keep me out but I was fighting it.
"Sir please calm down we have everything under control," the doctor said in a calm voice.
"How can I keep calm when my family member is dying? He's probably just going to die in there!" I couldn't stop from yelling, I couldn't help it. I just wanted Ethan to be alive.
"We're doing everything we can to help." Said the doctor again trying to calm me down.
"How is letting him die helping?" I screamed. I kept yelling until I saw that the nurse had gotten a syringe and before I could say anything, she inserted it into my arm. I already knew what it was, it was a medicine to help calm me down. I started to feel lighter and calmer as the medicine took over and the doctor led me to a room.

Decisions// DolanTwins And Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now