9. Keep Your Enemies Closer

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"Where's Caroline?" Nik was eating his smiley faced pancakes Elena ended up making due to Caroline running out crying. Nik was a bit restless since Caroline's departure but it was sweet how he asked for her all the time.

"She'll be back soon, she just went for a walk" Elena rubbed his arm in friendly way before taking a seat with Stefan and Rebekah. They whispered while Nik was in the room "Blondie has been gone a long time don't you think?"

"Why Damon ? Is that an ounce of affection your showing?" Stefan asked sarcastically

"Shut up Bunnie Boy"

"Enough" Elijah jumped in before Rebekah made a snarky comment adding to the immaturity level. "Damon you can go with me and help me in finding Caroline. The rest of you keep an eye on Niklaus and put him down for a nap"

"Rebekah and Damon began to laugh" Rebekah stopped when she seen Elijah glare at her and Damon howled louder

"Am I amusing you two? Do you realize Caroline may also be in danger and by acting like two immature howling idiots, I am wasting my time scolding you like children instead of locating Caroline?" Damon's smirk dropped and Rebekah frowned "Now get a move on"

"Miss Forbes. Rise and Shine" Mikael taunted Caroline as she was beginning to come round after the vervain injection. She jerked trying to free herself but the vervain laced rope was burning her skin the more she struggled. "Now Miss Forbes, let's get down to business shall we ?"

"Screw you" she roared at him only to be backhanded across the face.

"Although I have been here for two weeks, I have become quite acquainted with the modern-day language and that sort I will not tolerate. Now if you behave and help me, I will let you go." She watched him, the tears threatening to fall but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. That would mean he had won. She wouldn't cry no matter how painful it was now, she would not cry, not a single tear. Her thoughts were interrupted when he slapped her again "I said are we clear ?"

"Yes" she muttered.

"Now why are you protecting that little bastard my wife tried to pass off as my son?" Mikael crouched down to her level

"He's just a child. If your wife hadn't of spread her legs, no that's wrong. If you weren't such a domineering tyrant and actually paid your wife some affection and attention she wouldn't have gone off with another man. Niklaus was just brought into this mess because of you and your wife and you know what, I'm glad. Despite what he went through, he grows up to be strong, he protects his family and he has people who love him and respect him. I love him and he loves me" Mikael seemed taken back during Caroline's speech but grew angry. Where he was from women were not allowed to talk back to men, if they did publicly they would be punished at home for their actions. Usually this punishment was a bad beating. That was the old way and since Mikael was old fashioned in his ways, Caroline was making it worse for herself but she didn't care.

"You just crossed a line Miss Forbes" he said standing up a dampening a stake with vervain. "I hope you have a high pain tolerance because this is going to hurt" he smirked as she thrashed around her eyes watching the stake. "Now let's see how long it takes for your friends to come find you" he then stabbed her leg with the stake and the pain from the stabbing and the vervain was too much. She let out one big scream.

"Caroline?" Elijah knocked on her front door. They had checked everywhere in town bar her house and the woods. "Blondie, come on. Nik is asking for you." Damon teased. The heard footsteps coming to the door expecting it to be Caroline.

"Damon, Elijah?" Sherrif Forbes looked confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Is Caroline home Liz?" Damon asked Sherrif Forbes who he considered a friend since he got to know her since he moved back to Mystic Falls.

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