Chapter 37>>>

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When your ex says "you'll never find anyone like me", just smile and reply "that's the point".

Theo's POV

"Would you breathe please." I ask Shai, as we ride to school. I'm driving Shai to school today, and neither of us really cared about the chance we're taking.

"Sorry." She mumbles, looking out the window.

"You're acting the way you did when we went to my parents, this is just school. And he shouldn't be having this effect on you." I tell her, taking her hand in mine, as my other hand drives.

"I know, and I know he shouldn't be doing this to me. But it's not simple enough for him not to do this to me." Shai explains, looking over at me when we reach a red light.

"Just try to ignore him, you gave him your answer and now you have no business talking with him." I tell her.

Shai just nods, looking back out the window. The rest of the ride is silent, and soon I'm parking the car.

"You are going to be fine." I tell her when she turns her head. Kissing her forehead, we get out of the car.

I let Shai walk ahead of me, there's distance but you can still feel like there's not too much pushing you from each other.

Walking in I can feel one pair of eyes on me, who's I wouldn't know. I choose not to look back and find out, So I shake the feeling off. Not wanting to feel paranoid all day.

Once in the school, prepared to both go separate directions, I shoot Shai a look

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Once in the school, prepared to both go separate directions, I shoot Shai a look. One of encouragement.

She smiles at me, and I make my way to my classroom.


"I'm going to go over to Charlotte's for awhile, I'll be home later." Shai says at the end of the day, kissing my cheek.

"Okay, don't get home to late." I say and watch her leave.

I gather my things and walk out. Making my way to my car, in the now pretty much empty parking lot.

Or so I thought, because I'm soon stopped by someone. That someone being Damian, of all people.

I turn, clenching my jaw.

"Damian." I say, my voice sounding dead and not my own.

Staring at him, he puffs his chest out a bit and smirks slightly.

"Screw the introductions James." He spits and I laugh a little at this. The toughness he thinks he's showing.

"I know you're doing Shailene." Damian accuses, his eyes set on me.

I laugh coldly. "That's rich." I say, shaking my head. Looking between him and the cement parking lot ground.

"I'm sure it is, but we both know it's true."

"It's not. I haven't once done it with her." I tell him, being completely honest.

Damian laughs, looking over his shoulder quickly then turning back to me.

"You're saying that you've never had sex with her, and you two are just in some type of relationship??! I don't think so." Damian says.

"Actually, that's exactly what it is."

"Wow. She must be screwed up then huh! Because why the hell would she go after a man like you? An old man who's also her professor!" He says, his words intending to damage me, but they don't even touch me.

"I came here for her, and there's no way I'm leaving without her. So you can forget about this 'fling' you have with her, or whatever it is!" Damian yells at me.

"Now that's the point that's rich. Thinking that you still have a chance. Dude, she said no. And come on, you really think she's going to run back openly to her abuser?!" I yell back, and I think he was a bit taken back, not knowing that I knew about the abuse.

"Yeah, she told me. I know all about how you think girls are just your punching bag and sex toy." My words spitting out like venom.

"At least I'm not preying on young girls." Damian smirks.

"You know that that's a fuckin lie. That's not what this is, so don't turn it into something it's not." I snap, and drop my bag on the ground. Getting closer to his face I figure out that he's smirking because this is what he wants.

He wants me riled up, he wants to start something that can end in a fight.

"I know it is, and I'm not trying to turn it into something like that. But how's it gonna look when the whole university knows??" Damian says, and I step back.

"You wouldn't reveal this if you didn't want something, so what do you want?" I ask, my hands wanting to curl into fists and punch this guy.

"Shailene." Is all he answers with.

I laugh at that. "Yeah, how about something reasonable? Because she's not going to take you back, and I'm surely not going to hand her over to you."

"I'll make her see what she's missing. There's a part of her that still loves me, and misses me. You can't deny that." He's right. I can't fight that point, because there's truth to it.

"Why do you even want her back?? Miss having someone to push around and use?" I ask, my voice low.

"I lost her and pushed her to walking away from me. I take responsibility for that, but that doesn't mean I'm done trying to win her back. I still love her." Damian expresses, and I can't quite tell how much of it is just some big fat lie. A performance.

"She's not some 'thing' that you can just win back." I tell him, hating the idea of him thinking the Shai is some kind of possession.

"You can talk to her if you want, but there's no real chance for you." I say to him, and being the bigger man... I walk away.

Even though he means nothing, less than nothing. His words still echo in my mind.

I know he'd reveal out relationship if it came to it, but I'm hoping that he'll get the hint. He'll get the 'no' through his fucking head.

A/N: This is only the beginning between these two!! 😈
How was this chapter, it's not my longest but how was it??

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