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I'm drowning in a vat of tears,
Collected over many years,
Of heartaches and mourning,
For lost loves and sadness dawning.

My head is swimming with memories faded,
A heart scarred and slightly jaded,
The will to love has ebbed away,
No longer eager to come out and play.

Will someone come and rescue me,
Opening my eyes so that I can see,
That there is hope in this darkened place,
And light will one day touch my face.

Am I cursed to walk without love in my life,
Cupid's arrow replaced with a jagged knife,
This mortal coil upon which I tread,
Has fused my soul and left it for dead.

Are you the one to kick-start my heart,
Reboot my software and click start,
To fill my head with dreams of a future,
Leading the way as my love tutor.

These are the questions I ask myself,
As I feared a life left on the shelf,
Watching others live theirs to the full,
As mine drags along all meaningless and dull.

Now this is it I'm taking the plunge,
I'm gonna suck up your love like a hungry sponge,
Throw caution to the wind one more time,
And prove that to love me isn't a crime.

The tears I cry now are not of sorrow,
But happiness looking forward to tomorrow,
And a life full of love, hope and joy,
That memories of the past can't destroy.

© A S May 2017

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