Chapter 25 - Adam

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His bloodshot eyes were demonic in the darkness.

"Miss me?"

Every muscle in my body went rigid. I could feel my pulse in my throat, throbbing against the frigid, razor edge. His lips scraped the skin of my ear as his grating voice whispered,

"I'm so glad you're back darling. You know why?"

My blood thumped in my throat.

"Because you're going to take me to the Beast."

My face drained of any color it had left.

Her pet hunter.

He'd kill him. Avoln would kill the Beast.

The knife tightened against my throat so I could hardly breathe.

"This is what's going to happen," he hissed. "I'm going to let you up. If you scream, I'll stab you through the back. This was her idea, not mine, and the only thing keeping you alive right now is her vengeance. Got it?"

Her vengeance. I was part of her plan. I thought I was waking up to go back and warn the Beast, but I looked like I would be bringing him his death. And then what? Jayla wouldn't have a use for me. I'd end up dead anyway. But the Beast would too. If I didn't break the curse by tomorrow morning he and Adam would be dead, with or without Avoln's knife. Before morning, we were both going to die.

My heart thumped faster at the prospect.

It was better just to die right here. I'd save the Beast the pain at least. Avoln might not be able to find him if he killed me.

I could scream. I could do it right now. How bad would it hurt when he cut my throat? How long would it take for me to die?

My blood was ice and I was shivering too hard to control.

Could I do it?

Avoln loosened the knife's hold on my neck and drew a line in the air in front of my jugular with the point. He glared at me, making sure I understood the consequences if I didn't cooperate. I nodded while my stomach did flip flops.

Do it now. Scream. Before anything else happens. Just scream.

I pushed myself off the floor and stood. My breath was shallow and rapid.

I could run. I could yell. But I have to do it now.

But under the threat of steel, the threat of bleeding out on the floorboards-

Avoln came around behind me, the knife flashing in the moonlight.

Do it now.

Avoln brought his arm around my shoulder and pressed the edge of the knife to my throat. The chill of the metal sent a shiver through me.

I didn't make a sound.

Avoln brushed his lips against my ear again and I winced. I could feel him grinning, the point of his canine nicking my skin.

"Good girl."

A shudder ran down my spine. For all I knew, I wouldn't live through the night.

Avoln shoved me from behind to get me moving and without further adieu he forced me out the door. He took the blade away from my throat and pressed its edge against my lower back.

Avoln gestured to the forest.

"After you."

* * *

The dark chill soaked itself through my nightdress and into my skin. Avoln had taken a torch and lit it when night had descended, but it only served to cast a flickering and unreliable illumination. Wet leaves slid under our feet, rustling loudly in the tense silence. The blade still rested on my back as I struggled along the path in the night. It wouldn't be any wonder if I lost the way entirely. But on either side of the old road the torchlight caught glimmers of green, always in pairs, always watching, making sure I didn't try anything.

Rose, Wilted: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now