Chptet FEEVE - TTFN TATA FOR NOW$555$$$5555%

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Chptet FEEVE - TTFN TATA FOR NOW$555$$$5555%

mai dreems wheree weerd evn bai mai stndrds k


hai grl was hsprnrnrnrightnowrn???

@ 1st i wuz standn n maheeendn mai awn bizz-renesmee. den ahwooot fo da blew wuz ai grl wit elevendy tauzahnd peesez fo hehr n nawt da bunni knd kkk

dnt do drugs kiddies

drugs r bad

ai shud no... i ddi crck ckain bfre ai nuu bout da b-u-tee-full hrry stills eggsistadpole n da wurd gte fof mai gril

ai lyk hrry stills

ai lyk zeyn 2 lol

lol idk whom 2 chuuz!11

"Oh, Miss, that's a nasty trick! You have no right to nip me, and I'm not going to bear it."

"I didn't touch you, you lying creature!" cried she, her fingers tingling to repeat the act, and her ears red with rage. She never had power to conceal her passion, it always set her whole complexion in a blaze.

swagbae right?? i lurv classiks. ai red dem lal fo da tym fr FUN lol im sach uh nrd

nyway mai dreemz where kwait weerd even fr mii. a uenikrn ppp'd pu n dnced round uh sirkuhl n brf'd aooot zaynbows frm tis hrn no tis hed

nxt ding ai noe, ai wuz uh mrmd schwimmen in da wasser. mrmn hrry stills schwam nxt 2 mii wit hiz pnk tale n brbie crawn. da jewls semd 2 wair hrry dwn btu he ddnt sem 2 caer. his mussles ddnt gve a dam son dey where gr8 m8 i men i wud r8 8/8 2048 swagbae

"sup luv" hrry sed 2 mii n wnk'd hiz faymuss sugjestiv irezisstble seduktve wnk @ mii. i allmooohhst daid rite den n dair n i ddnt eva r8 ti 8/8 m8 n i wuld h8 ti n naught uhpreeshi8 dat

i flel daooon 2 da bttm of da o-shun frm hrrys b-u-tee-full wnk n flel i flel flel flel i did 2 fawl or naught 2 flal nao dat iz da kweshtun nao iznt it ya

im skreeming n i wak up 2 hrry stills's fase in my fase. he luks wrried n i mmick hmi, seyin, "wats wrong hrry????"

hrry wnt even luk @ mii. he trns away frm mii n dsnt wnk @ mii sugjestivly, irezisstbly, or seduktvely. "u flel aslep durng da moovy luv" he sed. "n nemo wuz fownd n u ddnt luk luv im SO bluhdy disuhpointde ni u luv"

i kud fell teers well up ni me aeees n sed 2 hrry "no hrry dnt sey dat"

btu hrry wudnt even luk in mai (One) Direction

"k'mon hrry bae" i sed agrfain

btu hrry wuz haven nun uh it n sed "no luv" he sed kwiklee

i fellt sda n hoplses "dnt u no luv mii hrry" i sed bak 2 hmi

hrry gawt aut fo mai fase n sat @ da end fo da cauch i wuz leyn awn n sed "i tryd 2 tlel u 2 wak up btu u ddnt no mttr hao mash ai tryd luv n das hrt me feels"

I flet kaind uf btraid bai mai need 2 slep. Atfr lal, Aid miist moi favurat moovii! Aid mist Nemo! Nemo! Mi proo bae. Ai wontd 2 crie nao. Lick a cow. Tak ai bow. Juss how? Wow. Aill mak ai vow. Rite now. Pow.

nemo wuz mai bfffff n nao aid mist him. i dnt noe y btu i brust in2 teers rite den n dere. hrry rlled his aeees @ mii n sed "grls" 2 da rst uv da boyz sttng in da udder caoches........ waooowwww hrry stills hda ai LAWT fo kaoooches ahhhh

btu ai ddnt wnt 2 mke hrry sad so ai poekd hmi in da lushiss hare 2 gte hsi uhtenshun. "hrry" ai sed "im srry ai jsut wnt'd 2 slep 2 stey up l8er wit u bby"

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