Chapter 26

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Lynn's POV
That morning I walked into school. It was a bit chillier then it has been recently, which was very surprising because it's nearly summer. I got to my locker and started to unlock it, rather quickly, for some strange reason. I placed my bag into my locker and took out my folders that I didn't need. I picked up my folder for History, which was my first period class, and shut my locker. I turned around and saw an out of breath Madison standing in front of me. I raised my eyebrows at her, but couldn't help but smile. "What's wrong with you" I asked still keeping that smile on my face. It took a second for Madison to respond, and my smile only grew.
"What's wrong with me? Well, one, Jack's been hanging out with a lot of other girls recently, and I don't like that one­"
"Not about your personal life Madison" I said.
"Why are you running"
"Oh, right "She said and pushed herself off her knees.
"Remind me to start running, I'm seriously out of shape" She said and I giggled.
"I could tell," I said.
"Hey, not nice" She said.
"Anyway, so ah shoot, I forgot what I was going to tell you" She said.

We started walking down the hall and she looked like she was thinking really hard about what she was trying to say before.
"This is your entire fault!" She said. I smiled.
"Mine? How is it my fault that you forgot what you were going to tell me?" I asked.
"You made me talk about my personal life, making me forget what I was going to say" She said. I shrugged.
"That's not my fault," I said. Madison rolled her eyes. We turned the corner and my jaw almost dropped at what was in front of me. Ethan and Meredith were fighting, yet again, but this time seemed to be the worst out of all the times. I couldn't catch what they were saying, but, I knew it was really bad.
"Now I remember," Madison said.
"Ethan and Meredith are fighting about­"
"I can see their fighting" I said and giggled.
"Shut up, let me tell you what it's about" She said. Sass.
"They're fighting about you Ly" Madison said. My head whipped in her direction and I knitted my eyebrows together.
"Me?" I repeated. Madison nodded. I licked my lips and looked back and Ethan and Meredith. Why were they fighting about me? What was there even to fight about?

"You can't just leave me like this Ethan!" She shouted. Ethan leaned back on the lockers and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Why would you bother to go chase after some shitty girl, when you can have something that's clearly better standing right in front of you?" She shouted.
"I'm going to say it one last time, we're done. And stay away from me" Ethan said and went to turn around, but stopped once we made eye contact. He walked over to me quickly and looked down at me.
"How much did you hear?" He asked.
"Only a little, you're leaving Meredith?" I asked. Ethan sighed, in relief? I ignored it. "Answer me," I said.
"Yeah, I am. You were right, she doesn't treat me right" He said. I nodded slowly.
"But I thought­"
"If I want to start treating girls right, then I need to get rid of all the problems that would make me want to cheat" He said.
"I want to get serious now," He said. My heart fluttered, for some reason. Why did I think he was talking about me? Ethan said it before, we could never be together. I saw Madison smiling like a goof out of the corner of my eye.
"What are you smiling at?" I asked.
"Nothing," She said.
"Madison I think I saw Jack around the corner" Ethan said.
"What! Really?" She said and sprinted around the corner.
"I thought she liked Hayes?" Ethan said. I ignored the question and proceed our previous conversation.
"By serious, do you" I asked.
"Yeah," He said slowly. Oh my god.
"That's great Eth" I said. "I'm happy for you"
"Thanks Ly" He said and smiled.
"So who'd you have in mind?" I asked. I was scared to hear the answer. I would be happy for Ethan if he was happy, but, it would still hurt a little inside. But Ethan wasn't responding.
"Ethan?" I asked.
"Sorry, I'm just, thinking" He said.
"About what?" I asked. He pressed his lips together.
"Ethan you can tell me" I said.
"I know," He said.
"I just don't know how to" Again, there was that flutter that appeared. I need to stop getting my hopes up.
"You could explain her to me" I said.
"I don't know," Ethan said.
"I feel like I should, just tell her" He said.
"Then why don't you?" I said.
"I...I can't" He said. "Why?" I asked.
"I don't know Ly" Ethan said.
"Well there has to be a reason" I said.
"I'm not ready yet, okay" He snapped. Whoa. Ethan's never ever snapped at me like that before, and I was taken back. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap" He said.
"It's fine" I said and bit my lip. I wonder why Ethan wouldn't tell me who the person was; maybe he was trying not to hurt my feelings? Or maybe he just didn't want to tell me.
"Don't be mad" I looked up at him.
"I'm not" I said. "I just don't understand why you can't tell me" I said.
"I don't want to, not yet" He said.
"This whole liking thing is new for me" He said. I nodded. Now I understand.
"That girls lucky, whoever it is" I said. Ethan wrapped an arm around me.
"She's very lucky" He said. I just wish that girl was me, I wanted him to be with me, not some other girl boring girl in this high school. I want him to hold me, and kiss me, and hug me, and be happy with me. But we all want things we can never have, right?
"I hope we can be friends forever" I blurted. I guess Ethan noticed I blurted this out, because he chuckled and moved the arm to around my waist.
"I hope we're friends forever too Lynny" He said. We stopped at my history class and I turned around to face him.
"You're eventually going to tell me" I said.
"You're right I am" He said and bit his bottom lip.
"I'll see you later, okay?" He said. I nodded slowly. This must be really bothering him, he's never like this...

Ethan still hasn't told me who he likes, and it's been an entire day. I wonder if he'll still like her tomorrow, or if he'll go back to Meredith. Or if this is just a mix-up and he doesn't like anybody. Maybe he's just confused. Someone knocked on my door, and I got off my bed and walked over to the door. I opened it and saw Billy.
"Hey," I said.
"Do you think we could go visit mom tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded.
"Of course," He nodded.
"Okay, I'll be in my room" He said. I nodded and closed the door. I felt like I haven't visited my mom in forever. I think that's a good choice to go visit her. I lay back on my bed, and turned on the TV. I heard something hit my window and I looked over at it. What the hell was that? A bird? I decided to ignore it and look back at the TV. Then, I heard it again. Should I go check it out? What if someone's trying to break in? What if someone's actually out there, trying to get into my house? What should I do? I looked around my room. I have nothing in my room that I can protect myself with; maybe I should put something up here. I got off my bed slowly and walked over to the window, I heard the noise again. It seemed like something was hitting my window.

I pulled my shades up and didn't see anything. What the hell? I didn't see a latter, I didn't see anything. Where the hell was that noise coming from? I made the stupid decision to actually open my window and stick my head out. Someone could have a freaking chain saw and chop my head off! What am I doing!? I was about to stick my head back in, but I heard someone call my name. I looked around and still didn't see anyone. I looked to my right and saw, Ethan.
"Shit! What the fuck Ethan!" I shouted and placed a hand over my heart. He chuckled and hopped into my room.
"How did you even get up there?" I said and looked out the window. He somehow got into the garage and walked over here.
"Why didn't you just use the doorbell?" I said and gave him a strange look. He shrugged.
"I thought this would be more fun" He said and sat down on my bed.
"So, whachya doing" He asked.
"Did you really just come here for this" I asked.
"No," He said.
"I'm trying to find ways to avoid it" He said and took a shaky breath.
"Just tell me already" I said. He stood up from my bed. He looked directly into my eyes and walked towards me.
"What are you doing" I asked taking a small step back.
"I need to try something" He said. My heart felt like it was racing a million times per second. He took more steps closer to me. He was standing in front of me by now; we were at least an inch apart. Maybe he could hear my heart beat.
"Stay still for me, would you?" He said and slowly bent down. My breath hitched as I felt him touch my side. I saw him lick his lips, and then look down at mine.
"Ethan," I whispered.
"Shh" He said and looked back up to my eyes. Is this real life? What the hell is happening? He slowly started to lean in and froze right before his lips hit mine. He was testing me, to see if I wanted this as badly as he did. I could feel his cool minty breath on my lips, which drove to the point where I wanted to yank out my own hair.
"What are you waiting for" I whispered. I saw him smirk a tiny bit, knowing he got what he was looking for. Then, he closed the space in between us and he softly pressed his lips to mine.

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