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Days went on like always. I didn't really think much about it. Well, not until today. Me and my boyfriend went to volunteer for the chicago marathon. We flew comfortably from Miami to chicago the day before the marathon and checked into the hotel. We tour the city, looking at the random buildings downtown and stuff. I mean it did seem strange that he was holding my hand so proudly. He never done that before, but I just guessed he was just so happy to be in a city he's never been before.

Actually he was very kissy and touchy and it was sort of strange now that I think about it but oh well. We had dinner at FlatTop and went to the Art Institute before retiring for the night. We knew we would be all tired out and stuff after a 9 hour feet standing job. When I woke up, thats when I noticed it. Onced I got out the shower and dried and stuff, I came out clothed, my hair messy and a bit tangled. He looked at me like he saw a ghost. "Dude like what happened to you" He said laughing a bit. I glared at him and got my comb, combing out my white dyed long hair.

He smiled softly, slipping on his loose shirt and his and running shoes. He then looked at me as he put on his jacket. "Don't forget to put on some BB Cream." What the hell I thought as I looked him, but just shook it off. "I'm not putting it on today" I said and put my comb down, slipping my hair into a ponytail. "No you should really put it on with some eyeliner and stuff" I turned to him, my expression a bit weirded out. "No, I'm not going to. I would just sweat it out anyways." I said. He looked back at me with and annoyed and angry expression

"It'll be fine just put it on...and don't wear your hair like that, leave it down" "Oh are you my stylist now?!" I said rolling my eyes. His face wore an expression I've never seen before. It was almost an mixe of a lot of emotions,and I couldn't tell which one he was feeling the most. He ran up to me as if he was bull, a slight growl escaping from his mouth. "JUST FUCKING DO AS YOU'RE TOLD!" He yelled at me. I've never been scared at him before, but here I was, shaking, my eyes tearing up a bit. I backed up a bit, backing into the dresser and looked at what I thought was my boyfriend.

"W...Why are you being like this" I whimpered out. He punched the wall right next to my face, making me close my eyes tightly, scared he would hit me. "Victoria just do what you're told" he whispered to me violently. That's when I finally realized it. "Victoria?....Victoria?...Who the fuck is victoria?" I stated to him , a bit angry at the fact. His eyes suddenly was filled with regret. "My name is Victor. Dan my fucking name is VICTOR!" I shoved him and run my hand through my bangs. "ARE YOU SO FUCKING SCARED OF PEOPLE KNOWING YOU'RE GAY THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A WOMAN??!!" I yelled, turning my back to him. He didn't respond. He just stayed quiet. well there was my answer. I stormed out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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