Love in the Time of Global Warming Book Club

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Welcome to the book club discussion for LOVE IN THE TIME OF GLOBAL WARMING! I’m so happy that you are here to discuss this book with me. It’s a story that is very dear to my heart for reasons I will be sharing over the course of the next six days. I also welcome your thoughts and feedback about the book and these posts.

LOVE IN THE TIME OF GLOBAL WARMING is the story of Penelope Overland who lives with her loving family in a large pink house in Venice, California. Pen is a shy, intelligent 17-year old, obsessed with art history, encyclopedias, story-telling and her best friend, Moira.  When the Earth-Shaker strikes and Pen loses everyone she loves, she must venture out into a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles to face sirens, witches and a mad scientist’s genetically engineered Giants, with the help of her new friends Hex, Ez and Ash.  In this heroine’s journey, loosely based on Homer’s ODYSSEY, I explore the destruction wreaked by monsters and the power of family and love.

Tomorrow I will be discussing LOVE IN THE TIME OF GLOBAL WARMING’s roots in THE ODYSSEY.  On Thursday I’ll be talking about the role of LGBT characters in LOVE and in my work in general.  Friday is all about Los Angeles, my beloved city that is often a character in my books and particularly this one.  Look for the LOVE IN  THE TIME OF GLOBAL WARMING playlist on Saturday and we’ll wrap up Sunday with a poem and discussion of your writing!

Until then, much



Question of the day:  If you were to loosely base a retelling of your life story on one myth, fairy tale or classic novel, which one would it be?

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