A Demon's Arrival

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Dear Myrella,

If you are reading this then I have perished out at sea. I'm sorry my love.

I must warn you of a coming danger, one that I doubt anyone can face. A black storm is forming and it is heading to crash upon the realm. I spotted it the day before yesterday though I'm sure that means nothing to you. I fear I do not know the date.

Black ships with sails that seemed to be aflame were heading for the western shores. They will break upon the grey sea within the month. Take the children and make your way over the Galahim Pass in the north. Once through the mountains find the town of Redbrook and visit the Fox Tail tavern. Ask for Tywick and tell him you are my wife. He will know what to do.

I do not know who these invaders are but they cannot be here to make peace. I saw shadows swirling around their blackened masts, and the things seemed to see me right back. Their hollow eyes suck the life from you and seem to crush all hope. I will never understand how anyone would put a soul to suck torment. But that is not the least of it. A cloud of them struck at my crew, decimating all who were on deck. We drove them off but not without losing half of my best men. It seems light is their only weakness. That and magic but mages are rare and one who is willing to help is rarer still. Keep candles close my love.

I took a small team scouting this morning, for I needed a closer look at these fiersome invaders. I took Baldwin with us to provide stealth spells and enchantments. I suppose it worked for I am here writing this. If you had been here to see what was on that ship you may have dove overboard, letting yourself get taken by the sea. Dark and terrible things lurk on those balck ships, things I cannot even describe. Though there was one man that stood out from the rest. He must have been the leader. He wore armour of blackest night that shone red in the sun's rays. His gauntlets were like the talons of a bird of prey and his boots had these terrible points. He looked like one of the demons from the old stories. The worst part of it all was the power he possessed. There seemed to be a dispute between him and one of his men and it turned violent. The demonic man was standing at the helm of the ship while another in heavy black robes was yelling at him about something in a strange speech. The words were enough to curdle bood my dear. Then the man pulled a twisted dagger from the folds within his robes and made a move to strike his leader.

The demonic man merely opened his mouth and spoke, words even stranger and more frightening than the other man's black speech. I could feel the power behind them from my place in the scouting vessel. The dagger turned to ash and fell from the robed man's hands, a fine powder sprinkling upon the wooden deck of the galleon. Then the leader spoke more and the robed man rose into the air, his arms flailing about in fear. He burst into flames and was cast into the ocean, dead before the corpse broke the water's surface. I don't know what kind of black power the man has but it cannot be good. I can see no good coming from this party's arrival.

Dear, you must leave now. Pack light and bring only the things that are most valuable too you and the children. Please do this my love. Do it for me.

I will always be with you,

Serwyn Gradilian

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