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Monthly One Direction one-shot competition!!

By the 1st of each month, we will announce the theme. Submissions will be due by the 15th (2 weeks later).

Winning submissions will be published in this collection at the end of each month.
Our account administrators will select the winner(s) based on these criteria:

Our account administrators will select the winner(s) based on these criteria:
• adherence to the theme
• beauty of language
• character depth
• originality
• mechanics

The one-shots must:
• be the sole intellectual property of the entrant(s)
• be in English
• be no longer than 3,000 words
• feature a member of One Direction as a main character.
• be submitted by 11:59 pm EDT (NY) on the 15th

*Submissions including material that violates Wattpad's community standards will be rejected and may be reported.*

In the one-shot, feel free to include:
• additional celebrities or original characters
• any ships (Larry, Ziall, Sophiam, etc)
• smut (within the context of the story, as required by Wattpad's community standards)

Submit your one-shot to

Please include all applicable usernames in your email
so we may appropriately credit your work.

We'd love if you'd share this post and our one-shot book, so that we can find more quality writers to feature.

ONE DIRECTION ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now