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Los Angeles Institute of Science and Technology, Faculty Quarters.

"What are you doing here!? Everybody is looking for you and Di Angelo!!" She exclaimed.

It! honestly! felt! like! she! spoke! in! exclamation! marks!

Or maybe it was her accent.

Adrian walked in front.

"Hello miss, my name is Andrew, I'm Chevron's friend. She's been with me the whole time, I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He smiled. His smile was oozing charm. His voice was also deeper and huskier than its usual silky quality.

And Katja was eating it all up.

"The inconvenience is all yours, if you're in Chevron's company." Katja smiled.

Eww. Gross. Puke. Arrgh!!

"Sadly, it is true." Adrian said. Bastard.

"Please! Do come in! Forgive my English!" She exclaimed away.

Adrian and I entered her home. There was a mess everywhere. So much like Roy.

"So, Andrew, you study here?"

"No, I finished my PhD in psychology two years back."

"Psychology, huh?" She raised an eyebrow. Much like all the Professors at LAIST, if you cannot calculate the trajectory and the eccentricity of a planets orbital within five seconds using an abacus, you were brick stupid. She was a little judgemental.

"Yes, quite a fascinating subject."


"I researched a lot about hypnosis, that was the best part."

Now Katja looked interested. That same interest is what drove her to pursue research. It was unquenchable.

"Hypnosis? Does it really work?"

"Yes, I can make you talk like a chicken if you allow me to." Adrian joked.

"Well then! Go on and try!"

"Okay, Katja," he laughed,"But you need to relax."

Katja looked at me.

"Chevron, can you go and check if the stove is turned off? I think I left it on."


Adrian looked at me and a silent conversation passed. I rolled my eyes and left.

Obviously, the stove was switched off.

I waited there for a minute or an hour, I don't know.

Adrian eventually found me.

"Katja is finding the ephemeris." He said softly. An ephemeris was the location of a planet at a given date and time. Both of which Roy had provided.

I didn't like the power he could wield over people's minds. It seemed wrong.

"You know I had no choice." He said.

"How long did it take you?"

"Ten minutes."

That's it!?

"Come with me, I have some explaining to do." He said, turning around.

We walked out into the night and to Roy's quarters in silence. I waited for him to start talking. The air was filled with anticipation, like a balloon about to burst. You could see the sun begin to rise.

"So, Vickram Roy knew my parents." He started.

"He was my godfather, actually. But I didn't know. The Abandonatos, Di Angelo's father asked him to design the locker in which the blueprints are kept. Only he and Abandonato can get in or out."

The Beauty And The Heist Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ