Story 1- The Kidnapping

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Okay so this story is about the son's of our main characters and my best friend... cause she wanted to be in the book because she saw the word 'kidnapping'. 

No I'm not talking about Sam and Jules. They don't even have sons. At least I think they don't...

Anyway, I'm talking about Ed and Greg.

Yes... Dean and Clark. And one of my characters that I made up.

This story is going to be a long one, so PREPARE YOUR BUTTS >_<


Oh and these are written by a 13 year old... so sorry if they lack of detail. 


Clark closed his eyes when the gun was aimed at him. Avery wouldn't let that happen. She wouldn't let the man who hurt her hurt the two boys who helped her out of the most frightening moment on her life. She reacted quick. She grabbed the gun from the man's hands but the man wouldn't let go. She yelped when the barrel of it burned her hands but she wouldn't let go. She kept holding on. Until the gun went off and the team stormed in.


5 & 1/2 Hours Earlier-

"I would choose..... hockey, because I can't play baseball." Clark laughed.

"But hockey requires you to skate, and God knows how long it's been since I've skated." Dean responded, chuckling at the vision of himself trying hockey and falling on his face.

"Hey, have you heard abou-" Clark was about to finish his sentence but a noise had caught him off guard. It had sounded like someone... a girl.... was pleading for someone to not hurt her. He stopped dead in his tracks trying to figure out if what he had heard was a trick that his brain was pulling on him or he was actually hearing it.

"What's wro-" Dean was shushed by a hand covering his mouth. Clark pointed to his ears and mouthed some words to his best friend.

"Do you hear that?" Dean nodded. Clark removed the hand from his friend's mouth and started to walk over to the alleyway that the sound was coming from.

When they got there, they immediately tensed about what they saw. A girl, whom they had recognized from their school, a disabled girl, being beaten by some older men. One man, who they presumed to be their leader, was talking to the beaters. He said words that sent chills down their spine.

"Beat her good, but don't kill her."

The man suddenly had grown the suspicion that someone was watching them, looked at the head of the alley. He grinned when he saw the two teenagers standing there.

"Well, we got some on-lookers on our hands." He grinned sickly. He revealed a gun that was on his waist band. "Now I suggest you two come with us and don't make a sound or call the police, because you're good boys, right?" He backed up so he was right next to the girl, and put his gun to her temple. "So you wouldn't want things to get ugly, right?" He questioned, his voice deep and aged. Dean and Clark immediately put up their hands.

"Okay, okay! Just don't hurt her. We'll do what you say. Just tell us what to do." Clark wanted to punch himself for saying that. At least they didn't kill the girl or them. The man's grin was as wide as the nile river by now.

"Good! Now take off your backpacks and come here." The man ordered. They reluctantly complied and put their backpacks down. They hesitated at first to approach the man but the gun to the girls temple brought them to reality. They slowly made their way to the attackers and were grabbed roughly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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