twenty four ; house of tonks

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The Secret Keeper of the Tonks homestead, Nymphadora Tonks, waddled to the forest with a baby in hand. The sharp crack signalling Diana's arrival and the prompt Patronus that slithered in through the gate led Tonks into a haste, pulling the blue-haired baby from his crib and achingly making her way to the arrived girl.

"Diana, I'm so happy you're still alive!"

Though they were not the most delicate words of greeting, they were good enough for the Riddle girl. She took in the comfortingly familiar pink hair, her still-swollen belly and the little newborn in her arms, swaddled in a blanket the same shade of blue as his hair.

They embraced, careful not to squish the baby in the process.

"This is Teddy Lupin," said Tonks, and Diana smiled at the little baby and gave him her index finger to grip with his tiny fingers. Though he was still so new, he gave her a little toothless smile back, and she melted, which was not something she was particularly accustomed to.

"Hi, Teddy," she cooed, and they set off to the house that neither of them could see. After a moment, Tonks pulled out her wand and mumbled something and a quaint cottage appeared, painfully familiar.

"This is where I landed the night we got attacked in the sky," she mumbled. She had been unconscious, but she knew it was the place. That night, the night Mad-Eye died, it seemed like a lifetime ago.

"You are correct," Tonks said with a bright smile. "My dad was here, too, but I don't know if you've heard---"

"I heard on Potterwatch," said Diana gently. Tonks gave her a watery smile.

"Well, now you can see the place when you're conscious!"

It was quaint and tidy, with simple couches and moving pictures of a girl with neon hair and a family of three. In each picture, the woman looked painfully like Bellatrix Lestrange, if Bellatrix was less cruel and smiled more often.

"Oh, dear, hello," said a voice. Andromeda Tonks appeared in the living room doorway, her heavy-lidded eyes surprised, but kind. It was odd to see such gentle expressions on a face so similar to Bellatrix's.

"Hello, Mrs. Tonks," she said politely. Calling her 'Mrs.' felt odd, for Diana rarely tolerated using titles.

"I'll be upstairs in the nursery," said Tonks hastily, and she walked out with the cooing baby. Andromeda offered Diana a cup of tea and she took obligingly, and they sat across from each other on opposite comfy chairs.

"I don't mean to intrude," said Diana, "but I think you have some information that could help me."

Andromeda's smile seemed to turn wary, though just slightly.

"Well, dear, I'd like to help with anything I can."

Diana smiled.

"I've recently stumbled across some... information... that might lead me to believe you know something of my mother's whereabouts."

Andromeda's smile tightened to one reminiscent of hidden panic. She was troubled.

"I'm sorry---your mother? I don't---"

"You do," said Diana, though not unkindly. "I know you're trying to keep your promise of secrecy, but my mother wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to stay hidden if she did not want to be found."

Diana stumbled, before adding quietly, "and I think it's time to find her now."

"Your mother was a brilliant woman," said Andromeda, "she has reasons, as do you, and she had secrets, as do you. There are things you don't know----"

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