The Boys

18 1 4

This chapter is not supposed to be read by anyone with a scrap of self respect. This is the 69th part, so I'm writing smut. If you are my girlfriend, DO NOT READ THIS.

Sam and Drew sat on the ground on the third floor of an abandoned parking garage in the wonderfully trashed city of Detroit. Sam was choking down cigarette smoke, and Drew was just laughing at him. Sam eventually got fed up with the laughing and grabbed Drew's hair, yanking his head back and putting the lit end of the cigarette against Drew's throat. "Shut your yap."

Drew let out a small moaning noise, eyes slipping closed as he surrendered himself to the younger boy.

Sam continued to yank on the Arab's dark curls, watching, entranced, as a red burn mark began to form. A stream of profanities escaped Drew's lips as the cigarette burnt at his skin. "Rabbana subhanah wataealaa , wamueaqabat li." He moaned, eyes flying open.

Sam had begun to rub his palm against the older boy's crotch, causing a significant amount of distress. "I said shut it." Scolded the blonde, pushing the cigarette closer to the tender skin. Drew shut right up, whimpering in pleasure. The younger boy turned Drew around, and pulled his pants and boxers down to reveal his plump rear end.

"Know what I'm going to do, Andy?" Sam asked. Drew shook his head. "I'm going to mark you." He explained, clicking his lighter on. The older middle eastern boy was shaking in fear as he steadied himself against a wall. Suddenly, there was a flame licking against his bare skin, and he let out a moan of pure masochistic pleasure.

Sam chuckled quietly as the heat got more intense, but the older boy refused to call his safeword. Drew soon began screaming in pain, but stubbornly refused to ask to stop. The skin was blackened before Sam pulled the lighter away.
By then, Drew was sobbing, and Helena was applauding.

The end.

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