Chapter 2

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When they got back home it was already 8pm. Nathan was tired, but he had a lot of chores to do. He knew that if he didn't do them Arran would end up yelling at him and giving him even more work. So he went on with it.

When Nathan finished, it was almost 11pm.

He knew there was something he was suppoused to do, but he couldn't remember what.

And then it popped in his mind.


Or more like GABRIEL.

Cause when he thought of him, every cell in his body would start dancing to the beat of his heart, that thumped so fast, so fast and so loud, just at the thought of the French boy.

Nathan knew that Arran wouldn't like him to go out this late at night (even though it wasn't really late), so he sneaked out the window, and turned the car on, hot wiring it.. His dad taught him that, when they were on a vacation last summer.

When Nathan got there, it was already past midnight. 'Oh great. I've got a date for a first time in 4 years and I'm 5 hours late. Well done Nathan.' He looked around, but there wasn't anyone to be seen. ' Well. I guess I'll go now'

And in the exact moment he decided to turn around and leave, a dark figure appeared in the corner of his eye.

'You're late.' his voice was as deep and as astonishing as Nathan remembered.

'Uh-oh-sorry' Nathan tryed to look him in the eye, but his eyes just kept gluing to the floor.

And then, Nathan's heart nearly stopped. Gabriel took him by the hand. They interlocked their fingers together, and it felt like they hands fit togheter perfectly, like they were made to hold each other. Maybe they were.

'Come with me Nathan. I wanna show you something.' Gabriel smirked.

Nathan thought they were gonna use a car, but Gabriel went straight into the woods behind them. Nathan was suspicious, after all, he was going into the woods, with a complete stranger, in a middle of the night. Plus,he didn't get his gift yet, so he wouldn't know how to defend himself. Gabriel could kill him anytime. Even after all the terrifying scenarios that went on in his head, Nathan followed him.He could hear the crickets. And the whistling of the wind. And his own heart, beating loud. He could barely see anything. Yet, he felt safe. Gabriel's hand in his own, and it felt like the whole world dissapeard, and nothing else exists, only this wood, and the two of them, walking trough it, looking for... What were they looking for? Wondered Nathan. Gabriel said that he had to show him something, but what? What if he was gonna take him somewhere deep into the woods and slaughter him and eat him and then burn him oh my God no don't think like that Nathan yeah but what if...

'Here we are!'

Nathan looked up. A beautiful lake layed in front of him. It's surface mirrored the sky, stars and the moon could've been seen in it. The lake was surrounded by bushes and reed, and at it's very end there was a swing.

'Wow... This has to be... the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in my life.'

'Uh.. I'm glad you like it.' said Gabriel, smiling away shyly. They were still holding hands. But then Nathan took his hand out of Gabriel's, and walked closer to the lake. He crouched down and took some water in his hands. Before Gabriel knew what Nathan was even doing, he was splashed in the face.

'Oh my god! Nathan! Ahh! This water's fucking freezing.'

Even though he was swearing, Gabriel was smiling, he, in fact, looked like a fucking sun in the middle of the summer, cos Nathan was smiling too. Than Gabriel splashed Nathan back, and so they splashed eachother and they both were laughing so loud it echoed troughout the whole wood and when Nathan pushed Gabriel into the lake he dragged him along and they were both complety wet (lol) and happy and it seems, crazy for eachother.Then they crashed on the floor together, wet and tired, and Nathan finally looked into Gabriel's eyes. He thought how beautiful they were. Chocolate brown, golden sparks tumbling around in them, they made his heart melt. They were so warm. So nice. So .... .So alive. Gabriel's whole appereance was so so alive. His laugh. His laugh, his hair, his smile. Just, him. And then Nathan realized he wasn't staring at Gabriel's eyes anymore. He was staring at his lips.

Two halves of one heart (Nabriel fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें