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"I always wondered why he was so...princely, you know he had never greeted me before, I just thought he was rude" Anai stated with a shrug of her shoulders.

A small puff of air fell from Milah's lips as he chuckled, "He seems that way, doesn't he?" he replied as he looked at the moon.

Khal did seem too much like royalty to be just a commoner, he just didn't notice it.

"This she nice?" Anai asked carefully as she looked at him in the moon light, she probably couldn't see his face but she knew he was there.

"She cares about me, Anai" he replied with a small smile, "And I care about her too, I want to take care of her, I fear for her health" he added feeling sad as he remembered the look on her face that day and the way her cheekbones looked sharper from lack of eating.

"I just want you to be happy Milah" his sister whispered hugging him to her, pushing her head in his chest.

He was happy, now at least.

Pulling away from him slowly, Anai sighed as the tense atmosphere seemed to dissipate and like a flick her mood changed as she carried a wide smile on her face as she exclaimed.

"Oh my Ra, Khal is the prince!" her arms in the air as she screamed.

Laughing a little he nodded before saying "I think I cleared that up".

"He's going to be my in-law!, oh my Ra, I have so much planned for your future husband!" she cried out happily smiling a sinister smile in Milah's direction.

He would make sure to keep Khal away from her, Kani and herself should never meet.

"Oh my goodness, Khaldun, Khal, how obvious was that!" she exclaimed with a wild laughter, Khaldun was a name given to only one person in Egypt, and it was a name that was given to the first son of every tenth Pharaoh.

It was considered treason for a commoner to bear that name, and now Milah was thinking of how dumb it was that he didn't figure it out sooner.

"I'm so happy for you Milah!" she cheered at him with a wide smile on her face.

He was happy for himself too.

"I'll need to go back tomorrow Anai" Milah relayed softly as he watched her jubilation.

"Will you be back soon?" she asked with a small frown on her face as she stared at Milah "I hope" he replied with a small smile.

"So you're going to be rich now, eh?" his uncle asks him with his back leaning on the wall as he watched Milah dress up.

Farrowing his eyebrows he asked "What?" confused by what his uncle meant.

"Alia Akin...she's quite popular, has a lot of wine breweries..." he trailed off with a distant smile on his face, nodding his head when he realized what his uncle was getting at.

"I'll see what I can do" he replied with a chuckle, pushing his hair over his left shoulder. He was expecting this kind of response from his uncle, he only ever really thinks of himself.

"That's why you're my favorite nephew" he stated with a slow nod of his head as he left Milah's room, throwing his head in a loud laughter Milah yelled after him "I'm your only nephew!".


"Milah dear, be safe..." his grandmother says as she hugs him tightly, inhaling the sweet scent of her, he replied "I will".

Waving his family goodbye he leaves, leaves with his heart feeling much lighter.

He didn't pay much attention to the atmosphere of the streets because he was too filled with emotions to care.

Over The Nile (BoyxBoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن