Four. A Letter

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(A/N - Ok my lovelies....enjoy chapter four.  I am writing like a mad woman and hopefully will have this story completed in a couple weeks.....I'll probably post the next chapter on Friday and then one more on Saturday.  I'm leaving for my two week long vacation on Sunday so I won't be able to post anything until I get home on the 16th or 17th of October.....sorry.....But I promise to leave you with something good!!!  So Anyway...Enjoy!!)


Over the past two weeks, Jamie and I have been basically inseparable.  Whenever we are not with our families, we are with each other.  I really like him.  He has been so sweet and amazing.  My parents say that he is very polite, but I can see that they have some reservations.  My mum commented that he seems a bit too attached to me.  I just brushed it off.  Yes, we spend a lot of time together but we are just getting to know one another.  I will honestly be sad when he leaves in five days to go back to London.

I haven’t seen my friends much over the past two weeks and that I am feeling bad about.  They text or call me constantly to hang out but all of my free time is spent with Jamie.  I do however want to introduce him to my friends, so today he and I will be meeting them at the park.

“Niall, a letter came for you and lunch is almost ready” my mum calls to me.  Hmm, I wonder who it could from.  Probably something to do with X-Factor.  I do leave for London in just over a month. 

I make my way to the kitchen where my mum is preparing lunch.  She hands the letter over to me and I look at it.  It doesn’t have a return address, so I am not sure who it is from.  I set the letter aside and joined mum at the table, just her and I.  It is a Tuesday afternoon so my father and Greg are at work.

“What are your plans for today, honey?”

“Jamie will be here in about an hour.  We are going to meet up with the guys at the park.  I haven’t seen them much and I want to introduce them to him.” I reply and take another bite of my sandwich.

“Well good that you are finally seeing your friends.  I think you have been spending too much time with that boy.”

“His name is Jamie, mum.  And I really like him and he will be leaving on Saturday to go back to London so I would like to spend as much time as I can with him before he leaves.”

“I know darling, it’s just, I get a weird vibe from him.”

“Mum.” I say with a slight chuckle.  I lean over and kiss her on the cheek.  “I love you very much.  Thank you for looking out for me, but Jamie is a perfectly nice and caring person.”

“I love you too, baby.” She replies and we continue eating our food.

I enter my room about a half hour later, letter in hand.  I sit on my bed and open it.


My Mentor   *Completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ