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The house was quiet when I snuck in just after nine in the morning. On a Saturday, that wasn't unusual. Still, I inhaled deeply as I entered, checking to see if trouble waited for me. Gabby and Rachel's scents drifted in the air along with a faint trace of Peter's but no hint of any werewolf's. I let out a relieved sigh and slowly made my way to Gabby's room.

I was exhausted and couldn't name a spot that didn't ache. Quietly, I disrobed and dropped my clothes on the floor. Gabby would flip if she saw the number of bruises I had now. I shifted quickly and hopped up on the bed, already half asleep.

She moved slightly as if I'd disturbed her, but her feet didn't search for my warmth like they normally did. She must really be out. I curled up and closed my eyes.

She moved again, her breathing oddly shallow.

I lifted my head and looked at her as she attempted to sit up. Her eyes were open but she still looked like she was sleeping, her moves uncoordinated.

"C-clay, we need to get to the Compound. Can you drive?"

Her stutter worried me as did the wince on her face when she tried to sit up again.

She managed to lift herself and slide from the mattress, but she only stood on her shaky legs for a second before she sat once more. Her head hung down as if it hurt too much to lift it. I shook off my exhaustion and inhaled. Her scent was off. What was wrong? Was she sick? I knew she'd pushed herself too hard after whatever had happened to her at that party.

Confused and worried, I hopped off the bed, quickly shifted back to my skin, and slipped on my jeans. Before I could button them, she moved to stand again.

This time, I was there to steady her with an arm around her back. She willingly leaned into it. Beneath my arm, she trembled.

She lifted her head, and her reflection in the mirror seemed to catch her attention. I could understand why. She was pale with dark circles under her eyes.

Her glazed eyes drifted from her reflection to mine, and my eyes narrowed. I knew that glazed look. She'd been the same after the Halloween party. I inhaled deeply, near her hair, pulling in the lingering scents of alcohol, perfume, and my kind. Had she seriously gone to another party while I was fighting?

"A lot happened last night while you were gone. Rachel talked me into going clubbing. I'll tell you about it on the way."

Guilt filled her eyes; and she looked away, but not far. Her gaze swept over me appreciatively, lingering on my stomach. I almost sighed. One look and she wiped away my anger and made me want to grin. I was hopeless around her. She shivered, and I reached for her forehead just to be sure she wasn't actually sick. No fever, just like last time.

I continued to watch her in the mirror as her gaze finally gained some focus and ever so slowly drifted upwards. She was eyeing every piece of exposed skin my chest offered. Suddenly, she squinted and scowled. It wasn't hard to figure out why. She was glaring at the bite someone had given me.

Then the scowl cleared, and she sighed.

"I need to use the bathroom then start packing."

After what happened with Sam, I knew something serious had to have happened for Gabby to want to return to the Compound. Maybe she thought the Elders could help with whatever was happening to her.

Not liking the idea of going back, but needing to do anything I could to get her well again, I nodded and helped her through the door. She leaned heavily on me as each slow step brought us closer to the bathroom.

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