I fall to the ground as the two men bolt out of the cab out of habit and left me laying there with the door wide open after it bounced back off my legs that still somehow remained intact and on the floor of the cab. The rest of me was not so fortunate though as landed in a mucky puddle on some random London street.

   "Ya goin to go missy? I got to leave ya know? I can't sit here all day waitin for ya to move your little ass?" The cab driver rolled down his window and popped his head out of the window. He was a plump brunette man with a toothpick sticking out from between his teeth with the front right tooth missing on the top.

  "Yes, I am so very sorry for taking up a few seconds of your precious time... After all it doesn't look like you got much of that left" I smirk as I stand up and slam the door. He barely has time to respond after as I bolt down the street not knowing where those two are. They are my ticket back to my stuff that is in their flat after all, and this of course would be the perfect time to just keep walking the other direction, find some money and  I would be off, back home and up to my old tricks.

   "Hello?"a small girl approaches me and tugs on my arm. "Can you help me find my papa?" She asks. Her bright green eyes glimmer and her dirty blond hair is pulled back into tight braids.

   "Where did you see him last?" I ask indifferently. I can't show weakness even though I must resist war in up to the young girl and offering to help her with all my heart just like people did to me. Oh how often I lost my mother in the mist of a crowd and had to ask some scary stranger to help me never knowing if I picked a kind person or the wrong type of person.

   "I saw him over there a minuet ago" she pointed to the old a added auto shop on the corner.

  "Let's go check it out then" I said with much boredom hinted in my voice.

   "You sound different, your not from here are you?" The young girl asked as we dodged through the crowd towards the shop.

  "Nope" I plainly answered.

  "What's your name?" She asked.

  "Mia" I do my best not to smile at how adorable she is being.

  "My name is Rose" she giggles.

   "Is your papa here?" I asked standing in front of the old shop peering around for some man the perhaps looked raffled or stressed.

  "No, I am going to look inside, papa likes to play hide and seek" she giggles.

   "No!" I gasp as the small girl climbs in through a broken vent along the ground. Argh I can't leave a little girl alone especially in an abandoned building that could have anything inside! Gahh I hate her I need to get her back to her papa now!

   I have no choice but to kneel down and crawl after her, it was much bigger than it looked and I managed to get through with ease as I wiggled after her.

  "Papa! I am here" Rose called out just as I made it through and stood up dusting off my clothes that were still damp from earlier.

   "Good girl" a mans voice called out just as the light switched on and within seconds I felt darkness once again.... But not the same type of darkness. This time i lost all my senses and had gone into some sort of sleeping state.

Runaway HolmesWhere stories live. Discover now