The wdding part 2

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Ladies and jently men we are gathered here today to selebrat the weeding of Levi and eren.

The minester
Eren please repeat what I say

I promise to love and charesh you until my eyes close forever. I love you

The minester
Levi repeat after me


I Promise to love and cherish you until my eyes close forever

The minester

I now pronounce you mr and mr jeger you may kiss the husband

Eren Levi kissed each other until they ran out of breath which was 1-2 minutes.

I love you Levi I will always love you

I love you too Eren I will love you till the end of time

That night they went on a honeymoon and Levi undressed eren and eren undressed Levi. Levi showered eren and eren showed Levi then thay got in bed and Levi chained eren to the bed and started kissing his lips then neck and chest then erens dick.
Eren tricked Levi by saying he had to go to the bathroom and Levi unchaned him. Then eren jently pinde Levi to the bed and started to kiss his lips and neck then chest and then eren likes Levi's dick and the he started sucking his dick.

                          Levi and eren Where stories live. Discover now