chapter 2

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"Mpfh..." I groaned as my eyes opened. My head seriously hurt. Then my brain registered the people around me. Especially one person: Rick.

I tried to sit up to fast and winced as my head throbbed and everything flickered.

"Get- get him away!" I exclaimed, lying down on the... what was I lying down on? I checked and saw it was a bench, no wonder it was uncomfortable.

"Whoa, whoa!" one of the people around me, a guy with mocha-brown hair and brown eyes, put his hands on my shoulders. "You ain't in any state to get up."

I recognized his voice. It took a while for my lagging brain to catch up but then I realized it was him. The man who saved me from the two men who mugged me.

"Uh..." and I was about to ask him questions when I really noticed the people around me. They were all talking amongst one another and I realized I looked like a mess.

The man, the hero, saw my uncertainty at all those people and turned around to shoo them off until it was only him and Rick.

"Get lost you dick !" I spat with pure spite, and watched his shoulders slump as his expression turned crest-fallen. Why was he trying to act like he was the victim? He honestly deserves it.

"Whoa, you two know each other?" the man, who's name I hadn't caught yet, asked in confusion.

"Yeah, she's my fiancée," Rick immediately said, and the anger that flooded my body was unexplainable.

I sat up and although my body was feeling all kinds of raw pain and bruises, nothing hurt more than that anger that was squeezing my chest together, making it difficult for me to breathe. I had to gasp to not burst out crying and hated him for doing this to me. Well, and myself for letting him.

"Oh..." the guy took a step back and the passionate look that was on his face before, disappeared. "Well I'm sure you've got hold of this situation, I'd best be off. Take care okay?"

"Don't worry, I'll handle it," Rick cut in before I could even say a word.

"WAIT! " I yelled as they both started to converse about God-knows-what and forget my presence.

They both looked at me and I smiled at the guy, who's name I really needed to figure out, and didn't even look at Rick even though he was staring at me.

"Don't go. This little bastard here, his name's Rick, and he's definitely not my fiancé. In fact I hate him."

The guy looked stunned and watched us both as he processed the information I just fed him.

"Ignore her, she's just had a bump on the head. I'll take her to the hospital and you go do your own business." Rick matter-of-factly stated with a blank look.

"Shut up. You know what you did and it's disgusting. We're over okay? No more wedding, no more partner. You screwed all that up and what is even more disgusting is you keep trying to act like nothing happened. You apologized like, what, once? And you think I'll forgive you. Well I'm so sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not the pushover you thought I was. So don't you even dare think that what we once had can be brought back again, because newsflash Rick, sorry, I meant newsflash dick, you screwed it up. And I'm never going to forgive you for that. Ever. So I suggest you move out of the way and go crawl back under the cave you came from, because next time my brother sees you, he won't hesitate to batter you, and you can just taste a little of what you did to me felt like."

Rick and the guy stared at me stunned, again. They literally didn't move for like a whole 30 seconds and then thankfully, the guy who saved me, blinked a few times and returned to his normal state.

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