At Chris's

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Copyright © 2013 by Ladylurve

All rights reserved.


“It’s not gonna work,” said Lisa, her right forefinger and middle finger moved toward her lips. The need to remain calm resulted in her biting her two finger nails.

“Stop that,” said Elaine and pushed Lisa’s right elbow, making it impossible for her nail biting to continue, “You can do this.”

The ocean ambience of Chris’s living room felt like a welcoming aromatherapy which helped soothe the turmoil Lisa felt. Looking around, she marveled at the neatness surrounding the bachelor apartment that defined Chris. Sleek and polished, it was clear that Chris was a fan of the minimalist concept. She eyed the mugs of coffee that Chris placed on the coffee table, complete with coasters. Despite always appearing so simple, she sensed there was more to Chris than he showed.

“You could stay here,” offered Chris, “if you want.”

That caught Lisa off guard. She was even more surprised when Elaine quickly elbowed Chris. Was that affection?

“Forget him. Stay with me instead,” said Elaine quickly.

This time, Lisa smiled. She loved both her best friends. Elaine, her best friend since university days, has stood the test of time in their friendship. Through good and bad, Elaine sure knows the meaning of true friendship. And then, there’s Chris. Colleague turned best friend. She can’t remember when she began noticing him at work. But the memory that stood out the most was when he drove her and Jake to the clinic that one fateful afternoon. Thanks to him, Jake’s scar was minimal, just like the memory of that day for him. At least, she hoped as much.

“Thanks, both of you,” said Lisa, turning to each of them and bracing a smile, “but I can’t.”

“Why not?” said both of them although at slightly different interval.

“I’m going to call my dad,” said Lisa, taking a small sip of her coffee. The aroma of the coffee by now overpowered the ocean mist. “This is good coffee,” said Lisa and breathed in the smell off her coffee while briefly closing her eyes. She wondered how long special moments shared with friends will last in her memory. For a quick moment, she felt transported into a coffee advertisement.

“Have you told him anything at all?” asked Elaine, before adding, “Or will this come as a complete shock? I know how secretive you can get, especially with your own family members.”

Lisa didn’t miss the slightly condescending tone in Elaine’s voice. Elaine’s big on family values above all else in life. The only reason she has stood by Lisa all these years was because she dubbed Lisa as her ‘roomie-sister’ two years into their university life together. Although family comes first for her, she never got around to accepting Lisa’s husband as part of the family and Lisa never blamed her. They didn’t spend enough time with each other to bond as family members would normally be forced to during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

“Hey hey... can you take it easy please?” said Chris, giving Elaine a pointed look.

“It’s okay you guys. I don’t think it will come off as too surprising. I mean, I’ve voiced my dissatisfactions before. Maybe my dad didn’t think we were in such a bad fix that it will come down to this, but whatcha gonna do, right?” said Lisa.

“That’s the spirit Lisa,” said Chris, bracingly.

“When are you gonna call him?” asked Elaine.

“I don’t know yet.”

“Well you better decide now. You’ve got what? Two or three weeks before we’re doing this?” asked Elaine.

“Hey, will you just chill for a bit,” said Chris, deep wrinkles materialized between his eyebrows.

Lisa looked at them, one after the other. Is this chemistry I’m witnessing? She would have thought so seven years ago but her marriage taught her otherwise. This type of bickering will eventually lead to arguments, and mental abuse resulting from that can also lead to physical ones.

“Why don’t you just let her answer? God, you’re always smothering her,” said Elaine.

“Excuse me? I think you mean YOU always smother her,” protested Chris.

“Okay stop… please. Look I really appreciate all that you guys do for me. And if I know the answers to something, I will tell you,” said Lisa.

“Well let’s decide now on when you will call your dad,” said Elaine, with what Lisa thought was an admiring persistence. Chris, on the other hand, found plain annoying.

“She’ll tell you when she’s ready,” said Chris, agitated.

Elaine grabbed a standing calendar with views of the ocean and passed it to Lisa.


 “Let’s decide now,” said Elaine.

Lisa looked at the calendar and found it pointing to the month of May. She quickly flipped to August but found the dates didn’t match the days. Puzzled, she looked at the year on the calendar.

“Urm…that’s not recent,” said Chris, a slight blush on his face.

Elaine grabbed the calendar and looked at the year.

“Two thousand nine? Are you freakin’ kidding me?” Elaine tossed the calendar onto the sofa despite Chris’s protest and pulled out her mobile phone from her jeans’ pocket, lightly tapped and slid her fingers before passing it to Lisa.

 “I don’t know…,” she said, after looking at the phone and frowned, “Maybe I could just show up at his house on the sixteenth and skip this uncomfortable bit about explaining the situation?”

“Oh my God Lisa Elizabeth Cooper!” protested Elaine.

“Or you could stay here if he’s not at home that day,” Chris suggested.

Elaine walked across the hall and returned to the sofa carrying Chris’s cordless phone. She handed it to Lisa and said, “Call your dad now.”

“Or you could skip this whole thing and stay here instead?” Chris added.

“Oh, shut up Chris! She needs to do this and get it over with,” said Elaine and handed the phone to Lisa a second time.

Lisa took the phone and dialed.


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