My Story

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If you are thinking about self harm then don't it's not I know it may seem like it is but it's not our people that love you and that is why you are on this site anyways so you can always talk to people on here especially me it's like you're alone and nobody cares I do so many other people do to, anyways I know you might want to self harm and I know I want like 12 and I'm not very intelligent but why don't you listen to my story and then decide.

(Flashbacks *real life*)
My teacher mr. C was rambling on about something I don't remember the exact words but I took some stuff out of my desk broke up in the skin just enough not to make you bleed then I scratched really hard and overprotective popping up in my class who sings I want to self harm just like everybody else in the school bus said it looked at me and freak out so did my table partner and kind of friend kiya
I told them I was just really itchy search things on my hand if I used my old coat and looking jacket grey with many holes in it to cover up to clean her after that night and we went on a field trip to Kearney and next day and I have my laptop I would have wrapped for two weeks and it still wasn't healed it took 3 months for the room to fully heal the pain felt so good and I wanted it to my mom so that maybe I wanted to commit suicide because many people saw it I wanted to and she was usually completed them because she thought I was so happy excited to have you around and when people from my school around because I'm bored so much she didn't think I'd do something like this sew in she started getting mad I told her there's an accident just a scratch it really hard I did notice and she's I think she's not buying anymore but not my problem you know how you know my scratches car just to remember the pain how much over 3 months ago I'm sorry I thought about doing it on my side I really hope my friend are you serious I want that account with me now just read this I told her not to over text this evening but I don't know

( end of flashback)
Anyway I know you feel alone and I know how you feel but there are people that have much more than you do leave abuse they can't wait to have you on this account because of that please remember there are people who are out there for you not there for you I love kids my family hates kids will not necessarily hate when my mom doesn't approve of them I think they're wrong she wouldn't do anything bad to them my sister is just really don't care sister Abby with an anger issue and it really scares me she's my friend also usually hates his but I don't know what to do please just know undo it Evans are people that care cutting is wrong it's a way to escape it's in the way butt just know worth it and if you do it on my side instead of my arms just remember don't do it

Please, Don't Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon