Resisting the Monster Within

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At the valley of the end.

The wreckage of Naruto and Raizen's fight was still fresh. The landscape would likely be scarred for decades to come.

Rubble shifted and a bloody hand poked out from one of the craters.

Itachi Uchiha stood, his shirt covered in blood and tattered badly, he was covered in burns and torn skin.

Itachi cast his tired eyes to the sky, glaring at the moon. "I.... I'm alive?"

His mind flashed back to the final attack.


Raizen cursed and opened his mouth, allowing his soul to blast out.

Itachi blinked, his eternal mangekyo sharing an allowing him to focus his new telekinesis around his body in a tight cocoon.

Then everything went white.

Itachi chuckled. "Coward..."

His feet lifted from the ground. "Only benefit of having that parasite in my head was getting to study his powers."

Itachi could feel the power. It was intense, powerful, and dangerous. His sharingan roared to life and his lips parted. His body tensed, every muscle flexing in anticipation for his thirst to be quenched.

"So I was right. I could see your chakra." Sasuke appeared via teleportation.

Itachi eyed him wearily, every fiber screaming to run. "Foolish little brother.... you shouldn't be here."

Sasuke stepped forward. "Are you okay?"

"Better now, the influence is actually subsiding." Itachi looked at the cut on his chest. "Any deeper and you'd have killed me."

Sasuke nodded and helped him up, "Some stuff happened you probably aren't gonna like. Let's see... Kakashi is hokage, and the village labeled Naruto, Zabuza, Haku, me, and Karah as missing nin."

Itachi looked at his brother, waiting for a joke, then cursed. "Shit... alright, start from the beginning."

Naruto was on one knee, eyes closed and palms on the ground. His power radiated from within him. He pulled at the power inside him, thrusting it outward when it happened.

Rocks, dirt, grass, leaves, all manner of debris began to float around him as his power over gravity took hold.

He grinned, his power had grown since leaving the village.

"Naruto, I know where we should put our village." His mother told him, over the past few days they had been hunting down Uzumaki clan members that Kushina knew about and Haku's uncle. They all decided to join them in starting a new village with the second coming of the Sage of Six Paths and the Sage of Orbital Path(since the sage had decided to live on the moon many years ago).

"Where?" He asked, his aura fading to inside his body again.

She smirked, "With you and Sasuke having gravity manipulation powers and my fuuinjutsu skills, we could easily have a village hidden in the sky."

"Isn't that a little derivative of the Village Hidden in the Clouds?" Asked a man from beside her. He had short black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was pale but athletically muscular. He had light facial hair and wore black ninja shoes with metal toe guards and metal shin guards. His pants were black and he wore a dark blue tank top with a black band around his right bicep.

She glared at him, "No one asked you, Kenshi!" Kenshi Yuki was a Jonin that had fled the Mist Village a few years before Haku had been born. He shrugged.

Then he caught sight of his nephew, Haku, "Whatever, I'm supposed to teach the runt how to properly use his powers anyway. Catch you later, Namikaze's."

With that he jogged off to catch up with Haku, who now also had shortened hair.

Naruto struggled to meet his mother's gaze, to him she was just above a stranger. They had talked more in the last hour than in his entire life. She'd apologized, of course, but he couldn't fake the emotion she wanted.

She stood and dusted off her pants. "Alright, I can see you don't wanna y'all right now. If you need me just give me a shout, you look so much like your father...I'm here for you, ya know?"

Naruto's eyes widened and he grit his teeth, the chakra inside him reading to explode outward and attack her.

Instead he crouched and called on his chakra cloak, the power easily rushed through him and empowered him. Then he kicked off the ground and flew at top speed until he found a canyon that was deserted.

He landed and his power began to shake wildly with his anger, "I'm here for you? What the HELL?!?! Where the hell was she when I needed her?" He brought his fists down with all his might, shattering the ground beneath his feet and kicking up a massive mushroom cloud of dust. The ground shook and shifted as his punches continued to reign down on the earth until the power actually managed to shift the tectonic plates deeper in the earth.

"I BEGGED FOR YOU TO PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I BEGGED! EVERY DAMN DAY! AND YOU TWO NEVER WANTED ME!" Electricity crackled across the sky, his power causing natural phenomenon in the sky. The clouds darkened and wind kicked up around him, blowing away the dust cloud.

He breathed heavily, his powers had grown exponentially and caused several tornadoes around the canyon, thanks to his natural wind affinity, but he didn't care. His power was enough to wave an arm at them to completely snuff them out.

"Naruto." Sasuke stood across from him, the wind never touching him as he applied gravity release as a type of shield. He was the only one besides Hinata that he trusted explicitly.

His aura dropped and he fell to his knees, "Why? Why didn't they want me Sasuke? Dad didn't want me until the end, and mom only wants me because I remind her of dad... why can't anyone love me for me?"

Sasuke knelt in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder, then slapped the blonde. "Naruto. You have people that love you. You're my brother, Itachi's brother, the thugs clan likes you and they don't like anyone, Hinata left the village to be with you. Your sisters love you, and despite what you may think your mother loves you. Haku loves you like a brother, Zabuza's grumpy ass even loves you. We all followed you, not Karah. Everyone is here because they care about you."

Naruto looked at Sasuke seriously, "Thank you..."

"Also Itachi is alive." Sasuke smirked at Naruto's expression.

Changes: NarutoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat