Chapter 7 - Trapped in a Tower

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"You should call him," Blair says.

Summer officially sucks. I lay on my bed surrounded by my Hello Kitty dolls and wish they'd smother me to death. My brothers may think they can keep me locked in the house, but in reality they don't even have to try because I'm not leaving this bed until September.

"You can't stay in your room forever."

"Uh, yes I can."

"No, seriously you can't. Cuz I can't watch you do it, and I need someone to go to the lake with." Blair sighs and ducks her head between the curtains. It's been a week since, but I was embarrassed when my brothers caught me. I imagine Parker was freaked out—I know I would've been.

I scrub at my eyes. "You weren't there. You didn't see their faces."

"They'll get over it."

"Blair, they've never looked at me like that." I sit up. There. I admitted it.

"Gwen, you're not perfect. You're allowed to mess up and do things other people disapprove of."

"Maybe. But it doesn't change what happened."

Blair spins around and crosses her arms over her chest. "I bet Lindsey set you up."

"Does it matter?"

She narrows her eyes and purses her lips then shrugs. "Look, just think about it, okay?"

"Okay." Then for what seems like the first time this week, I grin. "I still can't believe you kissed my brother."

Blair groans. "You owe me major now. And we're never talking about this again."

I giggle.

"Okay, I have to get home and have dinner with my grandparents, but I'll text you later."

I walk Blair out and then head to the kitchen to grab a snack. The aroma of roast in the oven welcomes me. I slice up some strawberries and find a small container of yogurt in the fridge. As I plop into a chair, I let out a long sigh. What if Blair is right? I wish I could hide from Parker until college, but he's our neighbor and I'll see him at school in the fall. I shake my head and shove a spoonful of yogurt covered fruit into my mouth. Even if Lindsey told my brothers where I was at, if I'd just told them in the first place it wouldn't have left me a cat-less cat lady at the age of sixteen.


I drop my spoon into the sink and march to the family room. After church on Sundays, we hang out as a family and before dinner my brothers watch a movie. Usually something they've all seen like a million times. I stop right before the threshold and take in a deep breath. The rev of engines and tires screeching vibrate from the room. I can do this.

When I step into the room, only George looks up and smiles at me. At first everyone gave me the silent treatment, but after a few days their acknowledgements graduated to grunts and a few hellos.

"I need to talk to you—all of you," I say.

Twelve pairs of eyes land on me, except for Nicholas who Elijah has to nudge awake. David opens his mouth to speak and I hold up my hand to stop him. He's the one who's voiced his opinion the most about going behind their backs and dating the neighbor, but I think it's because Blair got the best of him.

"Look, I don't want you to say anything. I think your message is pretty clear. But I do need to get this out." My heart pounds and my palms start to sweat. I've never done this before. My brothers have all been great brothers, other than them being overprotective, they've been there for me. "I'm sorry I disappointed you, I do regret that. I should've been honest. That night it broke my heart seeing your faces." A few of them nod, but David continues with his sour face. "But you guys can't protect me from everything. You have to trust me too, that I can make good decisions about other people—including boys. It's my life and I deserve to make my own mistakes and be happy about my good choices."

Without another word I turn around and walk away.

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