Chapter 20: Feelings

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"Are you sure you don't like Dylan? I mean I wouldn't mind if he becomes my little brother ya know,"

A flustered May Belle yelled at him. "I don't like him in that way!"

"Oh really? From the way you look at him it's as if you do-" May Belle threw her pillow into his face. "Go and find someone else to annoy Jess! This is probably why Leslie won't talk to ya now!" Jess threw the pillow back at her. "Whatever..." He muttered as he left her room and closed the door behind him.

"I don't care..." He muttered under his breath and headed downstairs with his hands tucked inside his pockets.

It had been a week since Leslie had come back to Virginia and she still wasn't talking to him. She was practically ignoring him everyday.

Jess entered the kitchen, seeing his mother washing the dishes. He took out the milk from the fridge and poured it into the cup and then drank.

    "Are you two still not talking?" His mother said without taking her eyes off the wet dishes.


    He heard a sigh come from his mother. "You know someday you're gonna have to go to her straight and apologize."

    "I didn't mean what I said to her," he sighed and put the empty glass beside the sink. "She's just ignoring me now."

    "Of course she is you idiot,"

    He turned around and saw Brenda and Ellie coming in with their boyfriends and their luggages.

    "You don't even know what happened Brenda." He rolled his eyes at her.

    "I know enough that Leslie ain't talking to ya because you did something stupid." Brenda smirked. They started going upstairs. "Leslie's a nice girl. The nicest I've met," she said quietly. Jess looked at her solemnly. "You must've really hurt her if she's being like this."

Jess couldn't say anything else to his sisters. They were right. He hurt her. That's why she's ignoring him.

The rain had started pouring down by the 2nd week of summer when Leslie came back from her vacation. Jess thought that he'd apologize for what he said so he went over to the Burke's but it seemed like his presence wasn't welcome.

"Oh Jess," Bill opened the door.

"I just wanted to talk to Leslie..." Jess looked behind Bill, trying to see if Leslie was in the living room. "Can I talk to her?"

"I don't think that's a good idea Jess. Leslie doesn't really want to talk to you. At least for now." Bill sighed.

"It'll just take a minute, I promise."

Bill looked at him pitifully. "Okay," he turned behind and called Leslie. "Leslie! Jess wants to talk to you!"

"Tell him to go away!" They heard her yell.

The hope in Jess's face went away when he heard the tone of Leslie's voice. "I'm really sorry Jess,"

"It's fine..." He shook his head. "Can you at least tell her that I'm sorry?"

"Sure Jess, sure." Bill smiled at him. "I hope that you two can figure this out."


But he never got back with Leslie. All summer it had been raining which made Jess's mood even more depressing. He had tried calling her, texting her, even trying to go to the bridge to see if she was there. He didn't dare to go to the magical realm. It just felt strange going to the world without his queen by his side. Even when May Belle became a princess, they didn't go there that much.

Bridge To Terabithia 2: The Last Time - Part 1 || ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ