2. Expedient

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Oikawa's lips are hot and firm on yours as he leans further into the kiss. His body wraps itself around yours as you clench your eyes shut, brows furrowing as you push against his chest in a futile effort to get him off of you. You can't seem to be able to breathe, and your head is spinning in time to your crazed heartbeat.

"Ahem," coughs a feminine voice, the sound cutting through your oxygen-deprived haze. "What are we up to here? Can I join in?"

The pressure on your lips is relieved and you open your eyes slowly to see Vesper watching the two of you, her lips quirked in skepticism.

"I'm sorry, my lady, this is a private event for two only," Oikawa murmurs as he eases off of you. He rests his weight on his hind foot, running a hand through his sepia tresses as he gazes at your friend, displeased at being interrupted.

"Yes, well, if I can't take part, then I must steal (First Name) from you. I have some urgent business to discuss with her –feminine issues, really."

You raise your eyebrows at her words but say nothing.

"Is that so?" Oikawa throws a casual side glance at your best friend but says nothing further, instead opting to turn his gaze to you.

His long fingers graze your collarbone and dance their way up your neck to rest on your jawline, where he lightly flicks your chin with a lazily extended, nonchalant digit. You're only too aware of how close he's standing to you, and too aware of his tongue sneaking in between his lips, tantalizing you with its slow movements. Oikawa notices this and licks his lips, watching your pupils follow its every movement.

"We'll finish this later," he murmurs as he lifts his fingers from your chin and smirks at you, and you rip your eyes away from his mouth to watch him as he leaves. He raises a hand over his shoulder in casual goodbye as he walks away, disappearing into the ocean of jeweled dresses and monochrome suits.

Vesper and you watch him leave, and you collapse against the wall, pressing an arm to cover your eyes as you close your eyes.

"Well, that was something," Vesper remarks. She glances over at you. "Why're you blushing? Did you fall for him?"

You raise your arm to shoot her a glare. "I'm blushing because that was extremely humiliating. I can't believe I let him get to me like that, that I let him take advantage of me like that! God, Vesper, what the fuck is wrong with me?"

"It's not your fault, so don't blame yourself – blame that bastard," Vesper sighs, placing a hand on her hip as she looks at you. "C'mon, let's go. Let's get out of here – I need some fresh air, and I think you do too."

She grabs you by the arm and practically drags you out of the lavish ballroom, into the hallway, and out the door of the establishment to stand on a balcony overlooking the river next door. The sky is dark, a pale sliver of lackluster silver slicing through the thick cloud cover. There are no stars to be seen, and the dripping railings are shiny and cool to the touch. A chill breeze blows through the small veranda, but it's a welcome change from the heat of the bodies pressed together like aristocratic sardines in a can back in the ballroom.

Vesper pulls out a lighter and a small pack of cigarettes from who-knows-where, shaking the box as she offers you one and takes one out for herself.

"You know I don't smoke," you shake your head.

"After what just happened, I wouldn't be surprised if you changed your mind," she shrugs, taking a drag and exhaling dull curls of wispy smoke into the still night air. You can see the raindrops cutting through the swirling cloud, dispelling the toxic chemicals into the surrounding air.

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