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My day had went on like every day; I came home before ma, I cleaned the mess she made in the house, I plead the Landlord not to kick us out, and then mom got home. That's when the day became a bit...different. I was doing my homework in the kitchen, she came in, smelling like the laundry basket filled of dirty clothes and stood in front of me. Crap I thought in my head, keeping my head down, not looking at her. " You know. You really has been a pain on me. You don't have a job, you're always sick and you look JUST like your father. Disgusting. However, I have never, and will never kick you out." SHe gripped my jaw and forced me to look up to her. I closed my eyes, waiting for the bunch or slap she would normally do at a moment like this.

My mother is the worse. I have been to the hospital five times this year and its only may. I have over 8 scares and 4 new bruises from this month. It's always like this though; since as long as I can remember. Last year my sisters were lucky enough to have my father get custody of them. However for a 18 year old, who's considered an "adult"..well...he could not.

It never came; the slap I mean. My mother let go of my jaw and walked towards a cabinet. "You were not here for King at 4" she stated coldly. I gulped. King...I hated him as much as I hated my mother. Since I was twelve she would wash me up and have me ready for him every friday after school. Since I've been twelve my mother had been selling my body to him, a now 43 year old businessman. "I-I had a job interview" i stuttered unconfidently, looking at the ground once more. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!! YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO BE HERE AT 4 TO BE READY FOR HIM!" she yelled at me. Shut my eyes tight, knowing she was going to say that. Such a selfish bitch! I screamed in my head. I heard a rattle from a corner and then something on my back, following a sharp pain. I screamed, opening my eyes. I looked down at myself and saw a sharp object poking through my left lung, out through my breast. She yanked the object out and I began to cough, collapsing onto the floor. She stabbed me again, this time in the shoulder, making me scream again. Then she stabbed me again. and again. I just laid there. The world became nothing but a muffled track playing over and over again. My vision was still clear. My body was numb. My mother paced, back and forth near my body. I wanted to tell her I was ok. That I was still alive, but all that came out my mouth was more blood. My mother saw my eyes were still moving, signaling I was still alive. She raised the bloody knife in her hands once more and shanked it into my throat. Then everything went black. Am I dead? I thought. I didn't dream. I couldn't move. It was as if I was floating in a pit of nothingness. Is this what it's like to be dead? These words roamed my mind over and over again, until eventually my eyes flew open. I could feel my body, and boy did I wish I didn't. I screamed in bloody horror. My body felt as if I was swimming in acid. Tears painfully streamed down my face. I soon began gasping for air. The room was spinning. I didn't even notice the nurses and come in and hold me down. A nurse quickly grabbed a syringe and injected something into my I.V. The pain gradually faded away.

I stopped moving. My eyes were wide. Two doctors ran in with 4 medical students following them. I looked the doctor straight in his eyes. The doctor didn't look away. He looked unsure of what to do. As if he was conflicted. As if whatever he do would change his life forever. I was looking for comfort. I wasn't trying to intimidate him. I wasn't even staring at him for any particular major reason. I just wanted him to speak. But he didn't even move. My eyes gave out and I closed them. I let out a sigh. I open my eyes and looked around the room. Everyone looked as if I was going to breath fire or something. The hospital room was very small for all the people in it. The air fan in the room hummed in the silent room. I remember what happened and I put my hand on my neck. I feel the pump of the stitches under the bandage around my neck. I let out a laugh. Then another one. I looked at the doctor I was staring at before. He looked relieved. His brown hair fell over his face in sweat. His dark brown eyes looked down at the floor. I laughed again. Before I knew it, I was laughing historically. I don't know if it was because I had doge death, or it was because I knew my life was over. My long black hair was soaked in sweat.

I didn't know how to stop. I looked down at my dark brown skin. "Aiyana" the other doctor called. I looked at her. Her dyed blond hair short and spiked cleared my mind. I don't know why but it dead. She smiled at me, and walked up to me. I tried to speak but only a squeak came out. Doctor Diana cut her hair I thought to myself. Doctor Diana hair was always so unique and beautiful in my opinion. She patted my head, and gave a worried expression on her face. "We... we really don't know how you got out this one alive. I mean.." she paused and gave a small laugh. Her hand plastered on her hips. "You've gone thru some shit. We don't even know if you'll be able to speak, but... you surprised us before." Her green eyes sparkled with excitement. I sat back in my bed. Mind was completely blank.  

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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