Interview With The Awesomes!! - Yashh-

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Hey guys, sorrryyyy about the wait, Im in hospital doing chemo every week so...


Name: Yash. ;) ♥

Age: 13 :3 ♥

Birthday: 22nd November. ♥

Gender: Female. (: ♥

Relationship Status: Single. </3

1. Can you lick your elbow?

No. D:


2. Will you lick your armpit for me?

Lick your own armpit!

*Sighs* Fine...

3. Tea or Coffee?

Coffee. x3


4. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

O_O What died in my hair?

Trololol xD

5. Are you in love?

I’m in like. but she doesnt know... :c ♥


6. Will you make me a sandwich?

...No. Although I make awesome sandwiches.♥


7. Do you have to do laundry?



8. When’s the last time you took a shower?

This morning.♥

Clean freak? xD

9. Worst injury you’ve ever had?

Bent bone in my left wrist. :x

Bent your bone?!

10. Are you a ninja?                        


    Exactly. ;D

:O !

11. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, what can you touch?

Air. :3

 Oh har har -.-

12. Without looking, guess what time it is.



13. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?

2:42pm. :D


14. What colour is your bedroom carpet?

I have wood. :3


15. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl.♥

I think everyone is... :D

16. What's under your bed?

Heh...heh heh...secerts... (:

Oooooh ;D

17. Is this a cool interview?

Mhms. :D

Meh (:

18. Like to make a shout-out/s?

To all my crazy fans and to Hannah, for being there for me when I needed you the most.♥


19. Any INSPARATIONAL words for the readers?

Erm...erm...I suck at inspirational words. Oh. You spelt inspirational wrong. It’s insp'i'rational, not insp'a'rational. :3 Sorry. Grammar freak here. I went off topic...



Reading leads to writing. If you’re reading this, go read proper books and read a variety of genres.♥

Na'www, but youve basically just told them to not read this! D:

20. Now, will you give me 10 bucks for a Happy Meal?

 Yush. But if you don’t return it I will hunt you down, bitch! I know people... >:)

o.O Yes mum!

Yashh. ♥

Thanks Yashhh xD

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