Short Message

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Hey! Before reading this, please excuse this cringey message. I wrote this when I was 11. Please bear. I'm warning you to not!


A short message for our beloved King of Pop, Hey, it's your young fan.

Without Michael, I wouldn't be like this, I wouldn't be this one, the crazy, funny, friendly one, Michael motivated me in my life.

Since I was a lil fella, I watched his concerts, Then I'll dance like him, yeah. I own his CD's

I did forgot Michael though, I stopped watching his performances for no reason, I don't know why.

2013, I stumbled upon him, became interested in him once again, then I started watching him... again.

Michael helped me in my exams alot, He motivated me. He is a great example for me, I started helping my classmates more, They said that I changed, A bit. But in a good way.

He's a humanitarian, a good example for all, I don't know, why the media started accusing him, bashing him, for no valid reason, They called him racist, molester, homosexual, drug addict.

But, You know the truth if you're a true fan, right? It just hurts to see people accusing him and we ain't got nothing to do. And it is our duty.

We love you, Michael ♡

Our beloved, King Of Pop, rest easy.

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