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Third Person POV

"I have to save her from them." He said, breathing heavily. "I have to."


They had what they wished for. They were happily married and in love, or so she thought.

She thought the voices in his head were gone. She thought he's finally at peace now, but the voices only increased as the days rushed by.

He couldn't look at her, because he'd only think about one thing. The thing that the voice in his head was telling him to do.

He's learned to control it over the years, but it got out of hand.

He has to save her from the voices in his head. He has to. It's either him or her, but he knows that if he killed himself the voices would find another way to reach her. Torturing him even in his death.

She was sleeping soundly on her bed, and he walked up to her with a knife in his hand.

"I love you baby," He sobbed quietly as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm so sorry I hope you'll forgive me. You'll always be my little pumpkin." He sobbed louder as he sliced her throat with the knife in his hand. She gasped and coughed with blood slithering out of the wound. Her eyes met his for a brief second before they rolled to the back of her head, and she fell dead to the bed.

"I'm so sorry baby." Harry said, rocking her dead body in his arms. "I love you."

Why not die with her too? He believed that an angel like her belonged in heaven. Something he believed that he'll never witness, but there's this slight hope inside him that maybe just maybe he'll get to meet her on the other side. And then he'll be free of his demons.

Without thinking more about it, he grabbed the knife. He couldn't bare a life without her warmth and light in it.

"Harry" He heard a voice, her voice. His hand froze, the knife only a few centimeters from his chest, just where he stabbed her.

"Harry" He heared again. He turned around to find her, standing a few feet behind. He then looked at her dead body and back at her, confused. Is she now a ghost hunting me for revenge? He thought.

"No idiot," She chuckled as she came closer and placed her palms on his cheeks. He could only feel coldness where she placed her hands.

"How did you read my thoughts? And how are you here?" He asked.

"Oh, there are alot of things I'm able to do now. I mean getting on an airplane for free, steal people's food, going through walls. It's cool, I think I like it more in this body, eventhough everyone here is so mad I don't even know why."

He just stared at her eyes, her smile, her face. She looked calm, and at peace. "I'm so sorry baby I-"

He tried to apologize again but she placed her finger on his lips "I came here to tell you that I love you, and I forgive you. Please take care of yourself, you were doing well baby an I'm proud of you. I'll always be your little pumpkin, and I'll always wait for us to be reunited again. I'll never leave your side, even if you won't be able to see me, you would feel my presence. I'll be taking care of you, fighting off the voices in your head so you'd finally find peace. I never want you to spend your life alone, Harry. Find the right people that would understand you and love you, okay?"

"I think you should start growing real pumpkins in our garden too." She gave him one last lingering kiss on his lips before she started to fade away.

"No!" Harry screamed, "Don't leave me!" He felt the kiss, like she was really there.

"I never will." He heard her voice echo iin the room.

{Writing this made my eyes slightly tear up}

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