Chapter 7

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A chill creeping slowly down my back, I braced myself. "What do you want now?" I said feeling annoyed by this thing appearing over and over, A laughter with a hissing sound of melting ice, all around me a white mist formed, "hehehe... You want answers, thus it now starts the question if you are worthy of the answers, seek me out, I will be waiting...".
My hand looked normal again, I opened and closed my fist, but it was gone just like that. I tried to get up, but my earlier 'sunburn' turned into pine needles all over my whole body. William walked over to me slowly and put his hand on my shoulder, "Calm your mind and concentrate on your energy Alex, feel it across your entire body!." I tried to do what he said, but the pain was surreal and my mind felt as if being split in two, "I cant-". I couldn't talk as my pain was so much, that my mouth was closed shut. William put both his hands on my shoulders and slowly started chanting and my pain disappeared quickly as if it was never there, I took a deep breath feeling better than I did earlier, but right in front of me William was convulsing none stop and fell to the floor looking as pale as white paper, I dropped to one knee and started screaming at him "No! William look at me, what did you do?!" In that second I knew... I needed to do something quick, for some unknown reason I concentrated on my right hand, slowly my scar turned into a circle and it started glowing dark blue with a strange symbol and in that second I knew what to do, I removed his spell that was transferring my pain towards him and then I felt the huge impact of pain again in me... "Agghh!!" I need to concentrate like he told me, slowly my pain grew worse, I stood there and started to concentrate on my pain, I felt a wall inside of me.

The wall was blocking whatever wanted to brake through, a huge pressure was trying to come in, the wall was covered in mystic runes, I paid no mind and placed my right hand on the wall and it glowed blue and the sound of a lock being unlocked echoed through my mind. The wall burst open and in flew the energy with the strength of a waterfall, I felt the energy crushing me down, but I knew what to do now, I concentrated on that energy and slowly absorbed it, when I was done, I felt as if I leveled up, literally. When I opened my eyes, my right hand was covered in a Blue silver armor gauntlet with a faint green light hovering over it. My pain was gone and I felt full of energy, ready to take on anything. My right hand turned back to normal, my scar was no longer a scar, but a tattoo of sorts, it was a faint blue circle with a design that I could not identify, but it slowly disappeared, no scar at all, I chose to ignore it for now. While I kept looking at my hand, I forgot about William. He was laying on his side not moving one inch, I slowly crawled towards him and turned him over. He was groaning but otherwise okay, his color returning to a normal yellowish.

"William?" I felt bad because now I understood what was happening to me and what he was trying to do, "You ended up taking a big hit huh?". I grabbed him and put him on his bed, "Alex" he groaned. "My name is not William... its Serta. I am from the northern kingdom of the Forest of Elves, His Majesty is-." I tried to calm him down, "its fine Serta, rest now, we will speak later" after that awakening earlier, I knew that I had a lot more questions for Serta and Robert.

Serta fell asleep and not a moment passed before Robert came through the door, "Hey is the kid still sleeping?" Robert had a leather bag with him and several clothes on top of that as well, "Yes I am awake Robert." I said casually, but he paused and looked at the bed and back at me, "Argh... people need to stop fainting every 5 minutes mate, its getting tough in me beard and we be on the road when the moon is neigh" said Robert putting the stuff on the kitchen table, "Alex put this here gear on, you need to get ready, we are going to leave after He wakes up" Robert looked at me with a confused look, as if just noticing something different about me. I felt the pressure already befalling me and we haven't left the building. I got dressed and to tell you the truth it fit perfectly, it was a combination of colors from brown to green and gray with some gold lines running across the shirt, I felt like I was a rich traveler from a medieval town and all I needed was a cloak. It still surprised me that it fits so well, "Robert this fits perfectly, how does it-" Robert cut me off, like always.
"Hahahaha well that there me boy are magical clothes, it was enchanted to grow with you as you get older, its pretty handy when you don't have time to buy new ones." I nodded and looked in the mirror, My black wavy hair had grown long, my eyes were no longer Brown, but a dark brown and green mixture. I've felt as if I've been here for no more than 4 days, but I look like I have been in this place for way more time than that. I sighed and walked towards the kitchen table to sit down, but Robert walked up to me and slowly kneeled down to my height and looked straight at me, "Did something happen to ye?" I swallowed, for some reason I started panicking and didn't know what to do. I took a deep breath "Now I know that I can not hide anything from you". I explained from the beginning on how this voice has been following me since I first 'appeared' here, after explaining everything up til now I felt better that I told someone and Robert was just quiet there, to the point he had light up his smoking cigar.
" I should have known... Yer look like yer father, but ye is very different... When I came in, I felt a strong pressure coming from this here place, but who would have though that it was from ye... Alexander I will take you to a certain someone who will be able to guide you and maybe shed some light in this here ability of yours mate".

I felt a slight hope... "Who is this certain someone?" I asked him looking out the kitchen window, "Its name is RAHS". I felt a slight tingling on my right hand when he mentioned that name, something inside of me wanted to meet this thing whatever it is. Hours flew by as Robert explained how traveling worked around here and to train yourself since there are bandits, goblins, orcs, evil demons and spirits and much more!. "Get some sleep Alex, it appears we will leave tomorrow" said Robert looking at Serta sleeping, I nodded and went straight to the bed and laid down and slowly closed my eyes.

Slowly I drifted into some type of forest and from the inside, there was something calling out. I tried to run towards the call but I could not move, then like that it was gone and I kept on dreaming about random occurrences.

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